Chapter 36: The Queen's Intervention

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The Queen is in her office, sipping tea and gazing out the window. The doors open and her sons plus Jungkook walk in.

"You wanted to see us Your Majesty?" Jin says as they slightly bow.

"I did." She sets her tea cup aside and signals for them to sit. She sighs deeply and massages her forehead.

"Is something the matter Mother?" Jimin asks. "Have we done something to trouble you?"

"Not quite..." She rises from her seat and walks over to her desk. She pulls out three folders and hands one to each of them.

"What is this?" Jin examines the folder, opening it to see his name on it, along with another's.

"What's the meaning of this? How could you possible know who..?" His hands tremble, voice slightly fearful, earning puzzled looks from Jimin and Jungkook.

Now curious, they open to find countless of pictures, each of them including their interactions with someone.

For Jimin, his pictures consisted of his talks with Yoongi in the hallways and of him going into Jimin's quarters to sneak in snacks.

For Jin, pictures of Namjoon happily reading outside of the library where they always met. It showed them talking across the window where Jin had sworn they were out of sight.

And for Jungkook, his pictures included Taehyung and him when they went out to the plaza. Including when they fell the day they met.

"Oh sorry, I forgot these." The Queen throws pictures of Jungkook fighting the thugs and flying off with Taehyung, and pictures of Jimin getting extremely close to Yoongi on their picnic that happened moments before.

They all looked up at her to see a displeased look on her face.

"We don't mix with the lower Ranks." She crosses her arms. "We never have. And never will."

Jin and Jimin hang their heads in silence, but Jungkook speaks up.


"Jungkook what are you-" Jin scolds him under his breath.

"Why? You're asking me why?" Jin sighs in defeat.

"Yes. Forgive me Your Majesty but I believe there should be a reason." The Queen stands from her seat and walks over to Jungkook, meeting his eyes.

Try as he could, Jungkook couldn't help but grow nervous as the Queen approached. She was truly intimidating. He glanced over at Jin who looked away.

"Mother please." Jimin looks up, seeing Jungkook nervously gulp.

The Queen raises her hand to hush Jimin. She walks over to a bookcase and signals to get closer.

"I will show you the reason.." She tugs a book with the royal sigil, only for it to go back and reveal a secret entryway.

Being a High-Rank, the Queen possessed many powers and her main studies consisted of all kinds of magic, while her specialty was magic related to looking into the mind.

Her secret study was where she could calmly practice her magic, since knowing of a mage Queen who practices mind magic could ruin the Royal family's image.

"How familiar are you all with your history? How our kingdoms came together?" The Queen stands before a podium where pristine flowing water came from. The water didn't seem to follow the normal laws of gravity, it would flow upwards and would later evaporate, creating a light mist above only the podium.

"Now this next part might be unpleasant, but know what I'm about to show, has already happened." The Queen cups some water from the podium in her hands and drinks it. She then signals the princes to do the same.

Upon drinking the water, the boys relive the union of their kingdoms. The water allowed them to see the past in their minds, almost as if they were there. History had said that they united to fight against the dictator of another country, but didn't say how the dictator grew power.

"Eunwoo what are you doing? I thought you were loyal." The late King said to his trusty advisor.

"You're weak. You're no King. I am. I will be a better King than you ever were!"

Eunwoo assassinates his king by slicing his throat.

Jin and Jimin watch in horror as the new King goes on a rampage, killing thousands of his subjects.

"You can't do this! Spare my child please!" A mother tries to shield her son, the rest of his siblings already murdered.

"King Eunwoo has decreed that all High-Ranks be terminated, including your son." The royal guard slashes the child before his mother.

"How could anyone do this...?" Jimin says softly, eyes glassy.

When the Queen says that they were all on the brink of tears, she stopped the illusion in their minds.

"I'm sorry for showing you such tragic events. But you need to realize how horribly things can go." She comforts her sons by gently stroking their heads.

She sighs. "King Eunwoo was a Low-Rank who betrayed his King. He was hungry for power. But to ensure his power, he nearly murdered all of the High-Ranks in his kingdom. Fearing their people would be next, your grandfathers united to defeat him."

"But King Eunwoo being a Low-Rank was just a coincidence. No one could've known he would be a traitor."

"Actually, many around the late King had told him to be wary of Eunwoo. Yet his personal attachments clouded his judgment. These actions affected everyone involved. One must act right to keep their people safe. Nothing good can come out of keeping close those who wish you harm."

"We don't know if they want to hurt us." Jungkook thinks back to his fight with the thugs. Was it truly an accident?

"We don't, but it's too great a risk. It may sound cruel, but the Ranks matter. They will never be on the same level as us, just as we will never be the same as them." Jimin's thoughts shift to Yoongi. Will they never be the same?

"Can we truly not trust our own people?" Jin asks.

"The life of a royal is one a lonely one. I'm afraid you can never truly trust anyone." She places her arm on Jin's shoulder, reminding him of the loneliness that comes with being a royal.

Seeing the defeated looks on their faces, the Queen rephrases, "..except you can all trust each other. You're all as thick as thieves!" She laughs sheepishly but doesn't manage to cheer them up.

"I will give you some space to think." She walks out of her secret study, leaving the princes to question the trustworthiness of the people they've bonded with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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