Chapter 4: Locked Up

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"Ugh!" I yelped as I was thrown harshly by the guards.

"Ugh!" I yelped as I was thrown harshly by the guards

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"Quiet!" A voice shrieked from the cell beside me.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"What's a youngin like you doing here?" The man asked.

"If I'm completely honest with you, I'm not quite sure myself."

"Well the only answer must be, regarding your rank, is that you did something to a royal."

"A royal? How would I do something to a royal?" I asked, confused about the man's statement.

"Well son, you see I was thrown in here because I was framed for a murder of a High-Rank. Although you probably did something to one too, except you didn't notice. Did anything happen before they locked you up in here?" The man said in a raspy voice.

"Umm, I don't think so. I remember I was out in the market. I got groceries with some friends, there was this mysterious person running from the guards, they were quite short. They bumped into and grew golden wings-"

"Wait a damn minute! Golden wings?!" The man interrupted.

"Umm yeah, they bumped into me and flew off-"

"Young man, do you know who has golden wings?"

"Umm, High-Ranks?"

"Well yeah, but only the Royal Family has Golden Wings, in case you don't know. The entire Royal Family consists of Angels. And based of your description, I bet you bumped into the youngest of the two princes."

"Prince Jimin."


Sorry. This chapter wasn't as long, but I want to try to make a cliffhanger.

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