Chapter 12: Yoonji

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It had been a few days since Aunt Ha-yoon and Yoonji arrived. It was a nice day so I had made plans with Namjoon and Hoseok. Unfortunately, Dad and Grandpa wanted to catch up with Aunt Ha-yoon alone. So I was forced to bring Yoonji along with me. On our way to meet with Namjoon and Hoseok, she was being petty and complaining about how she didn't want to come meet my " lousy friends " I ignored her though. However she changed up quick when she saw Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Ooh, who's this cutie?" She said, referring to Hoseok

"Hi, I'm Hoseok, you must be Yoonji." He said with a cheerful smile.

"Are you single?" She asked

"Umm, yeah? I am." He said looking a bit nervous

"Oh. We're going on a date. Okay?" She announced suddenly.

"Ummm-" Hoseok tries to say, but was soon cut off as Yoonji grab his hand and dragged him away, leaving me and Namjoon, dumbfounded.

"What the fuck just happened?" Namjoon said

"Yoonji just happened." I replied.

"Your cousin sure is something. Think Hoseok will come out alive?" Namjoon asked

"Nope, absolutely no chance of survival." I chuckled



I had dragged Mr. Sunshine out to the plaza where all the food vendors are at. Since it was getting dark, the lamps were turned on and it was beautiful.

I was actually kind of excited for our 'date'At first I had used it as an excuse to get away from Yoongi, but now I'm actually enjoying this "Hoseok's" company

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I was actually kind of excited for our 'date'
At first I had used it as an excuse to get away from Yoongi, but now I'm actually enjoying this "Hoseok's" company.

"Yoonji look! It's so cool, right?" He said with a big bright smile on his face.

"Yoonji look! It's so cool, right?" He said with a big bright smile on his face

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'Awww. He looks adorable. Wait what? Don't tell me you're catching feelings already. Nope, not happening today.' I scolded in my mind.

"It's alright, nothing much." I stated.

I then saw as his smile went down a little, I felt a bit guilty. For the rest of the night, we went to stores and got some food, we shared jokes and saw a performance in town. Later on, he dropped in front of my house. I then realized that I had more fun on this 'fake date' more than I've had on my actual dates.

"I had a lot of fun today, thank you." I said looking down at my feet.

"Of course, after all, you're the one who had declared we were going on a date, but then again who would reject going on a date with a beautiful girl?" He said, winking at me.

I was dying internally, I couldn't believe he did that. I felt my cheeks go warm.

"Well, I know we don't really know each other a lot, but would you mind joining me on a second date? He asked sheepishly

"Sure I would love that. See you soon Hobi." I said

"Hobi? Is that a nickname?" He playfully smirked.

"Of course, you're calling me beautiful, so I'll call you Hobi, it's cute, like you."

I froze. I called Hoseok cute. Kill me now.

"Aww, you think I'm cute?"

"Shut up already."

"Alright beautiful see you tomorrow for our date." He said, but before leaving, he kissed me on my cheek and walked away. Leaving me in a blushing state.


How do you feel about Yoonji and Hoseok's chemistry so far? 🤔
As always,
Thanks for reading ❤
Have a good day/night 👋

 Difference In UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora