Chapter 26: View

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Jungkook was bored inside the palace. Jin was busy preparing to become King and Jimin was busy with his hobbies. Other than them two, Jungkook had no one to be with.

So he decided to go out. He went to the nearby park that had a great view of the lake. That particular park also had a great hill where there was an amazing view.

Not many knew about it since it was hard to find and pretty hidden. But whenever he visited, he liked to go there and just enough the beauty of it all.

However, once he arrived, he was startled by a small brown and black pomeranian that came out from the bushes.


I was surprised to see cute little dog jump out from nowhere. It seemed happy to see me and came closer. I saw it had a little collar with the name 'Yeontan'.

What kind of name is that?

"Where is your owner Yeontan?" I asked the dog, who barked in response. Too bad I don't speak dog.

"Yeontan!" I heard a voice call from afar. That must be the dog's owner.

"He's over here!" I called out, hoping the owner heard me. The voice gradually became louder and a guy came out the bushes.

"Yeontan! There you are!" The guy says, picking up the small dog. He then looks over at me. "Thank you very much! I'm Taehyung. You are?" He smiles.

He was kind of cute.

"I'm Jungkook."

"Well, thank you for helping me find Yeontan, Jungkook." He looks around. "Wow! I've never seen this part of the park before. It's beautiful."

"It really is. You can see everything from here." He places his dog down and pulls out a camera. Where he had it, I have no idea.

He begins snapping photos of everything. He's so caught up in the shoot, he doesn't notice he's going to walk off the hill.

"Watch out!" I reach out to stop him.

He stumbles and falls back. He would've rolled down the hill too, if he hadn't grabbed a hold of my shirt. Unfortunately, it couldn't hold the weight and it tears, leading us to both fall.

I end up falling on him. This cannot be happening. When I came to the park, I didn't expect to be on a stranger with a ripped shirt.

"I... am so sorry.." He says looking up at me, but looks down and blushes.

"Oh!" I quickly climb off from him. I dust myself off. I can tell we're both clearly embarrassed.

"Oh no!" I hear, and turn around to see Taehyung's broken camera.

"What happened?"

"I must've fallen on it when we fell." He collects the pieces together. "It didn't hurt me though. I'll need to get a new camera."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop you from falling."

"No I'm sorry. I ripped your shirt. I'll buy you a new one." He glances at my chest and turns red.

"You don't have to, I have plenty more. Let me replace your camera."

"No it's fine." He sighs sadly. "I still have the memory from the camera."

"How about... you replace my shirt, I'll replace your camera?"

I could tell he was going to refuse so I said,

"I won't take no for an answer."

He sighs in defeat and smiles.

"Okay. Can I have your number so we can agree on a day?"

I can't tell if he really means that or if he just wants my number. But I agreed and we exchanged numbers.

"We'll be in touch soon. Thank you, Jungkook." He smiles and leaves with Yeontan.


That was totally an excuse. I just wanted his number. Can you blame me?

He was so cute.

Thank you for reading ❤
Have a good day/night 👋

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