Chapter 6: Trial

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"You can't be serious. You're joking. There's no way that you're my grandfather. I refuse to believe it." I said sternly.

"Well son, it doesn't matter what you believe, we're connected by blood. And to think I would meet you this way. Ooh, your mother would've been hysterical." The man said a faint smile on his face.

"Yeah, well I still don't-"

"Hush hush child, they're coming."
The man said, clearly concerned.

"I still wasn't done talking."

"Be quiet or else you won't get fed." The man hissed, clearly mad now.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes

"Hey. No talking, here take this." The rude guard said, throwing a plate of food at me.

I look towards the man and he's already digging into the food. I looked at the plate and I didn't want any, so I pushed it away. But then I heard the man speak again.

"You better eat that. It's the only meal every 2 days, I know it looks gross but it's not that bad. So eat up."

"One meal every 2 days?"

"Yup, but that's prison."

"I suppose so." I mumbled before taking a bite of the food. The old man was wrong, it was disgusting, but figuring how long I would go without eating, I ate it all.

Time Skip : 4 days

It was now the day of my trial, my court. I was nervous when I walked into the courtroom, it was filled with High-Ranks. Even looking at them felt like it was against the rules.

"Order. We're here for the trial of....Min Yoongi? Did I say that right?"

"Uh, yes, Your Honor." I replied.

"Very well, Min Yoongi, state what your crime is."

"Actually I'm not quite sure what my crime is, I was just getting some groceries. But I'm guessing it had something to do with the person with golden wings flying off."

"You saw the a person grow golden wings?" The Judge said, concerned.

"Yes, Your Honor."

"You're telling me, you saw a member of the Royal Family fly away into the sky?"

"Yes, Your Honor, they flew away from the middle of the town's market. I almost didn't see them because the market was really packed." I said truthfully.

"Hmmmm, take this boy to the Royal Family, he's seen too much, they'll decide what to do with him. Dismissed. The Judge said sternly.

"Wait, what does that mean for me?" I said, panicking.

"It means you will meet with the Royal Family and they will decide if you'll die or not. No one is allowed to see the Royals, especially the Princes and still be alive. Well unless you're a servant at the castle, but I doubt you are one. Take him away."


I'm back with another chapter, Hope you guys enjoyed it. If you guys have anything you want me to add in the story I'll see what I can do. Or you can try to predict what's going to happen to Yoongi. Please Vote! Thank you for reading❤
Have a good day/night👋

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