Chapter 24: Competition

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I'm nervous. 'Why are you nervous?' You might be wondering.

Today is the day of the competition to be a royal guard. We'll be using real swords and we won't have any protection on us.

The whole reason why we're even having this competition is because the Princes has seen their first glimpse of the outside world.

Apparently the Princes begged the King & Queen for permission to go outside the palace. They agreed, but only if they had protection, thus this whole situation.

The only reason why I signed up or this competition was to be able to be with Jimin. Yes, I know that if I win, there's no guarantee that I'll be assigned to Jimin, I might get assigned to his brother, Prince Seokjin. But, I'm fine with that, if I think about it, I'll be getting promoted too, and I'm sure Prince Seokjin is kind.

But now it my turn to fight against another to win the competition.

As I stepped in the ring, there was a person in the middle.

"I'm Y/N and I'll be telling you the rules."

"Alright. So I want a fair, clean fight. I don't want to see too much blood, this fight is public. You get some slits, bruises, whatever, it's in the job description. I don't want to see any trying to murder, any close to death."

None of that. And no hitting any vital spots, this is just a contest, there will be no killing. If there is, whoever killed, gets taken to prison and is treated like a murderer. Clear?" Y/N stated.

I nodded, so did my opponent.

"Oh, and try not so seem weak, the Royals are watching you from that window. They'll also be judging you."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know the Royals were watching us. I didn't want Jimin to see me all bloody and beaten, because I will lose.

I hardly have any experience, sure I could fight off a few guys, but I'm totally not ready for this. The others are totally more experienced than me and will surely win. Let's just hope I don't get too hurt.

"Alright. This is the first match. It's Min Yoongi against Song Jaeyoung. No killing or permanent damage. Alright, start!"

The bell ran, the Jaeyoung guy circled around the ring. Considering I should keep my distance from him, I also began circling. I saw as he gripped his sword stronger, meaning he was about to attack. Although I had been training for months, just for this event, I feel as if I forgot everything I learned. I looked to see Jungkook now running towards me ready to strike. I couldn't move.

My legs were stuck on the floor now, I couldn't control my legs, I couldn't will my body to move.

I was frozen.

It seemed that I was in a trance. Jaeyoung's running had slowed down and everything was in slow-motion. My nerves calmed down a little and I could move my arm now. I wasn't feeling so queasy anymore. But then I heard Yoonji yelling at me.

"PICK UP YOUR SWORD AND FIGHT BACK!" Yoonji shrieked, I could tell she was stressed. There was fear in those words.

And it would seem that broke me out of my trance, because right after, Jaeyoung's running went back to normal and he was running fast. I tried to block his attack using my sword as a shield, but before I could, he managed to slit my face, right across my eye.



Father had called Jin and I to see the tournament for our personal guards. We'll be judging from a window where we can see the fight. But I was only looking forward to see Yoongi's fights. But I never expected him to be in the first round.

He just slit his eye...


I'm so worried.. I should've never asked him him sign up. Jin must've noticed me, because afterwards-

"That must be the boy, correct?" Jin whispered, so that our parents wouldn't hear.

I nodded.

"I wonder if he'll be blinded from that eye." Jin chuckled.

My eyes widened. I hadn't thought about that. Yoongi really could go blind.

"I was joking Jimin. Sort of..." He mumbled that last part, but I still managed to hear it.

This made me grow more nervous. That was until I saw a small line of blood dripping down Yoongi's face.

But then I felt relieved as Yoongi then gripped his sword and went charging towards Jaeyoung. He ran past him, slashing Jaeyoung's right leg, making him fall. He then gripped Jaeyoung's hair and gripped on it, pulling his head back while his sword was at Jaeyoung's neck.

I couldn't hear what they were saying because we were far from them. But based on their body language, it would seem Jaeyoung surrendered, resulting in Yoongi's victory.

I made this one longer because it's showing a big event.
I tried to make it exciting, but pretty sure I failed. Sorry!

Thank you for reading ❤
Have a good day/night 👋

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