Unpleasant dreams

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             "You think she has something to do with this?" Sausage asked. "But Gem's my friend; she's nice!" "It might not be on purpose," Pix said, "But her sleep antics are definitely doing something to the multiverse." "Wait, she gives you guys sunglasses?" False frowned. "Don't those protect you from the sun?" Pix and Sausage looked at each other and conceded the point. "Weird for a sun religion; trying to protect the followers from the thing they're worshipping."

             "Now that I think about it, Gem's church has a roof, and not even a sunroof," Pix said. "How much does she care about her religion, exactly?" False asked. "A lot," Pix said. "Well, not enough to put much thought into it, apparently," False mused. It seems really weird. "Gem is getting more and more suspicious," Sausage declared.

              "So, uh, what are we going to do about it?" False asked. The emperors looked at her and then each other; blinking oddly, like they hadn't understood her. "Honestly, I don't think I thought that far," Pix confessed. "Let's interrogate her!" Sausage roared happily. "Well, that seems like a good idea," Pix agreed. "But not right now. Let's do it some other time; when all the team L.O.R.E. members are here." False and Sausage agreed and all three left for home.

              False was passing by Hermitopia when she spotted some hermits playing nearby. She decided to drop down and greet them. "Hi, uh, Jevin, right?" She asked, landing next to a humanoid blue slime. He looked pleasantly surprised. "Yeah, that's my name!" He said. "Do you need anything?" False opened her mouth to say something, but something other than what she intended tumbled out of it.

             "I recently built a tavern in Cogsmeade; you should come visit it," She said smoothly, like she'd been practicing. False frowned. What? Why did I say that? She shook her head. It didn't matter. "Okay, sure! Why not?" Jevin replied amicably, and he got his elytra and rockets to follow False back to her empire. Soon the two of them were at the Stupor Saloon and False was checking him in.

              "I haven't hired anyone yet, so I'm kind of the receptionist," The architect explained. She frowned. Why again couldn't I hire anyone? Some people... left Cogsmeade, right? Wait, why did they leave? Why can't I remember? "Uh, anyway, what kind of room would you like?" She asked the slime. "Nothing too classy; I just want a comfortable room," He said. "Okay, there's a free one this way," False said, leading him upstairs to the room farthest away from the stairs.

             Jevin beamed at his surroundings and immediately crashed on the bed. "Wow, this bed is so soft," He said dreamily. He glanced at the clock and whistled in surprise. "Huh, night already. Time flies by when you're cozy." He leaned back on the pillows and relaxed. "This really is a comfy bed." "That's because it's your deathbed," False informed him casually.

               She unsheathed her sword and stabbed right through his chest. Jevin immediately leapt out of bed, yelling. "What- False- what are you doing?!" He yelped. He moved his slime around the blade and extricated himself from it completely unharmed. "Oh well, guess I have to kill you some other way," False mused, grinning manically. Jevin's eyes widened and he pulled out his own sword and managed to nick the tinkerer; blood splattering into the walls and floor.

              She shrugged off the pain. No matter. Even if he fights back, I can kill him easy. She pulled out a phial, uncorked it, and lobbed it at the blue slime. Jevin dodged, but the second one False threw his way hit its target. The blue slime started screaming; False had hit him with a harming potion. In pain, he slowly lost control over his amorphous features and he descended into a shapeless mass of blue slime on the floor. False grinned and stood over him, wielding another potion. The harming potion would kill him soon.

              Jevin gasped and tried to remold himself into a humanoid shape; he collapsed onto the floor again, rolling away from False. He wasn't fast enough. "Can't have you remembering this just yet," False whispered, and poured an amnesia potion onto the translucent blue mass. Jevin jerked and then lay still in a forgetful stupor. And then he disappeared in a pile of items.

           Respawned back at Hermitopia. He'll come looking for his stuff soon. False thought, but then she let out a bloodcurdling laugh. It didn't matter. He wouldn't remember a thing, but she would most certainly notice. There came a knock on the door and False opened it, making sure to walk thorough as quickly as possible. There stood a wandering trader in a blue woolen cloak, eying her oddly.

           "I came for a room; are you the receptionist?" The trader asked. "Yes," False said calmly. She closed the door behind her, concealing the room full of blood splatters, slime splatters, and Jevin's items. "You can't have this room, though; it's due for cleaning."

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