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I walked downstairs to find the two devils playing in the kitchen.

" morning mommy " said Ari when she noticed me.

" hey, baby " I said before saying hi to Enzo who was starring.

" Daddy and I are going to buy ice cream, do you want to come with us?" she asked.

" nah, you and daddy can go, I'm going to be taking care of some work" I said.

I was going through some emails in my room when I heard a gunshot coming from downstairs.

What now, I decided to go downstairs and check out what's happening.

I walked into the living room to find Enzo standing over a guards dead body.

" why did you kill him?" I asked with a slight frown on my face.

" he was given out information about my Mafia and yours to the french mafia." he said simply.

" okay, but this place should be cleaned before Ari sees it" I said, immediately after saying that I heard Ari running down the stairs.

" mommy, mommy, I'm hungry " she said, I quickly picked her up before she could see the body and walked to the kitchen right before giving Enzo my deadliest glare.

" what do you want to eat?" I asked her, she simply shrugged before with a new doll.

" when did you get that?" I asked " daddy got it for me after buying ice cream " she said happily.

" uncle Jace is coming tomorrow " I said. " his back in Italy?" asked Enzo entering the kitchen.

" yeah, he landed five hours ago, his bringing some of my paperwork tomorrow " I said.

After dinner I put Ari to sleep before going to my room.

Enzo was already in bed, scrolling through his phone.

I quickly walked to the bathroom and changed into a short night dress before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I got into bed before turning to face a shirtless Enzo who quickly put his phone down.

" I have to leave for a meeting tomorrow." he said.

" where?" I asked " Russia, I'll be back in three days" he said.

" okay." I said before he pulled me to his chest, the way he acts sometimes makes me feel like we're a real couple.

" Ari, is going to miss you" I said " just Ari?" he asked with a wide grin on his face.

Of course I was going to miss him, but I wouldn't tell him that, it would be a boost to his ego.

" just a little bit " I finally said. The house would feel empty without him, at least now I have Ari to keep me company while his gone.

" don't worry, it's only three days" he said, I drove him to the airport Ari was at Jace's.

I drove back home after Enzo got into his jet, the house felt empty without the two devil's, okay Ari is an angel.

I'm so so sorry for the late update, I had a huge writers block.

Please 🙏🥺!!!! Vote, comment and follow my i.g accounts:

@who.killed _lex

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