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I walked downstairs and found Enzo with some guy.

I was only wearing a tank top and baggie grey sweatpants.

" Leo, meet my wife serena." said Enzo.

" it's nice to finally meet you Serena" said Leo

" likewise " I said " Leo is my best friend " he said.

" I'm going out to a store " I said " take one of the guards with you." he said.

" Nah, I'm good " I said before walking out.

I wasn't actually going to a store, Jace and Ariana moved to one of my mansions here in Italy, I need to keep them safe and that's only possible if they're close

I arrived at the Mansion " Rea" she yelled when I entered the living room where she was sitting watching cartoons.

" hey princess, I missed you" I said " I missed you too." she said.

" where is Jace?" I asked " in the kitchen trying to make for me food" she said.

" the kitchen will surely be burnt to ashes" I said

" I heard that" he said while walking into the living room

" I don't give a ---" I didn't finish my sentence cause of the three year old sitting beside me.

" anyway where is Maya, for you to be cooking in the kitchen" I asked Maya is Ariana's nanny.

" she had to stay home today cause she wasn't feeling well and I wouldn't want my princess to catch her diseases." he said while pulling Ariana's chicks .

Jace loves Ariana like his own " did you complete the task?" I asked.

" what task?" he asked confused " Ariana's birth certificate and other documents " I said.

"oh that, I finished it ages ago" he said, I had assigned him to change Ariana's last name to Knox technically adopting her, even though his her legal guardian I still made sure she got my father's last name, I haven't even told him about her yet I'm sure he is going to love her.

" Ariana and I where going out for ice cream, do you want to join us?" I asked.

" Nah, I need to take care of something, I'll just do my work then you'll drop her when you're done " he said.

Ariana and I drove to the ice cream shop before going to watch Barbie at the cinema.

" Rea, can we please do this again?" she asked showing me her doe eyes, I can never resist those eyes no matter what.

" sure princess, we'll go shopping on your birthday next month, okay darling " I said to which she nodded her head.

I dropped Ariana at the mansion with a lot of candy before driving home.

I walked to my room and freshened up before going to bed around 9pm.

I started following asleep when someone walked in without knocking, I didn't have to turn around cause I already knew who it was.

" Enzo, don't you have your own room or something?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I do but I like it here" he said " whatever" I said.

" now are you going to tell me what was wrong when we were coming back from the family dinner?" I asked.

" I'm being pressured to have an heir soon, but don't worry I won't force if you don't want to, we'll surely find a way." he said.

" I never knew you were this smart."i said

" I'm smarter than this armor" he said.

" yh right " I rolled my eyes before drifting off to sleep.

Hey guys thanks for reaching this far and feel free to vote and drop a comment.

Please please follow me on Instagram @alexa_wrld_953
For questions.

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