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I woke up late  and walked to the kitchen where  my brothers were sitting.

“morning sis”said Adrian “morning” I replied

“what's with the grumpy face?” asked Alex “nothing” I said “ it's Enzo” said Adrian “ don't mention his name in front of me ” I said before going back upstairs to my room.

I freshened up quickly before heading downstairs “ where are you going?” asked my father with Enzo standing beside him

“ I'm going to the warehouse ” I said coldly “ great, let Enzo accompany you ” he said “ no, but thank you for the offer” I said before walking out of the house.

I got into my car and drove off. I was at the warehouse a few minutes later, I walked in and everyone bowed their heads in respect.

“ where is Andrea?” I asked one of the guards “ she's in the gym ” he said “ I need her in the control room in 5 ” I said before walking to the control room

“ you called?” said Andrea “ yeah, I want you to inform me whenever you see my father or Lorenzo De Luca ” I said.

“ already having marital problems before you even get married ” she said “ how do you know that we are getting married?” I asked “ well, everyone knows about it the news is everywhere ” she explained.

“ I'm not ready” I said “i know ” she said Andrea was more like a sister I never had.

“ and the wedding is in one week ” I said “ I have an idea, why not have fun before the wedding ” she suggested.

“ I'm afraid that's not possible, I'll be occupied with wedding preparations ” I said “ but hey, it's an arranged marriage I can still do whatever I want ”

“ anyway I came here to check  in on some of my missions, I'm not done with destroying those dickheads.

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