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Arianna's birthday is in two weeks and she wants an Elsa themed party.

Enzo is going as well they met a few days ago and it's safe to say they're inseparable.

She'll met the rest of my family next week, they're all coming for her birthday and dad also knows about her.

We were out buying things for her party and of course Enzo accompanied us.

“ you two! Wait up” I yelled at Arianna and Enzo who were running to princess dress store while I walked at my own pace with the guards behind me.

“ Rea don't be lazy, hurry up” yelled Arianna.

I walked inside the store and saw the two idiots looking for dresses.

We found a few dresses for Arianna, I was walking to the counter when Enzo stopped me.

“ try this on” he said handing me a beautiful princess dress.

“ what's this for?” I asked “ Arianna's birthday party ” he said.

“ thanks” I said “ and there was something I wanted to talk to you about.” he said seriously.

“ sure when we get home ” I said before proceeding to the counter.

“ hi, can I please have all these” I said putting Enzo's suit, mine and Arianna's dresses on the counter.

“ you have a beautiful family, your husband loves your and your daughter so much and it's really cute.” she said.

“ thank you ” I said without correcting her.

“ we're done, can we go now” I said holding the bags.

“ gimme that” said Enzo getting the bags from my hands.

I picked Arianna up while we walked to the cars outside.

“ Arianna, guess who's coming to meet you” I said.

She looked at me confused “ no idea”

“ everyone is coming to meet you” I said.

I put Arianna to sleep, I decided she starts living here with me because Jace is busy and traveling between countries.

Arianna's room was decorated by non other than Lorenzo De Luca, i was surprised to say the least.

Arianna's room was decorated by non other than Lorenzo De Luca, i was surprised to say the least

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( Arianna's room)

I walked to my room and found Enzo on my bed, well I'm used to him sleeping here it's practically our room.

I walked to my closet and change into a shirt and pajama shorts before walking inside the room and laying on the my side of the bed.

“ can we adopt Arianna?” he asked well, these two were already close and even if my dad were to adopt her, she would need a mother and my dad is practically a widower who dedicates most of his time on the mafia.

And not forgetting the part were his Old.

“ yh, I'm like so in love with the little kid and will do a lot of shopping together, omg yes” I said excitedly.

I was too excited to notice him looking at me.

“ why are you looking at me like that?” I asked when I felt his eyes on me.

He shook his head “ you will be a good mom Serena” he said that sentence had more meaning to it but I was too excited to pay attention.

“ I can't wait to tell her tomorrow that she's going to have a mom and the best dad ever” I said before the darkness took over.

She was so excited, I've never someone this excited before in my life.

She quickly fell asleep as soon as she finished talking.

I'm finally going to have a little happy family, I just hope they never leave.

Arianna brings happiness without even knowing it, she's a good kid.

And as my first born, I make sure she never has to suffer the harsh world of the mafia, I'll make sure she stays out of the world of crime.

My dearest daughter.

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