𝘾 𝙝 𝙖 𝙥 𝙩 𝙚 𝙧 ' 𝟏𝟓

461 14 13


"What the—" Jakes says.

I swing down on his wrist the hand cuts clean from his body, the bones frozen in the shape of a claw. Jake screams, shaking the nub in the air, too shocked to fight back.

I like to give choices. Options give people hope, and I enjoy watching that hope disintegrate before they die. But as I lift the cleaver, blood shining on the blade, I know Dean doesn't deserve that. He blubbers and whines.

Yes I am fucking Crazy, I'm crazy for her, I'll do anything for her.

Why can't she see that, I'll die for her if I have to. 

I chop the cleaver down again on the other wrist, dismembering it too. Blood squirts around us and I hurl the blade down again and again, each swing filling me with a satisfaction I haven't felt in a long, long time. And I tell myself that this is for my plan. 

But I can't explain the urge overpowering me as I climb on top of him. My cock fills with blood as I drop the cleaver, taking out my pocketknife. He's barely alive, he may even be dead, it's hard to tell but I fix the blade to his eyes, carving around his eyes until I hit that hard.

 unmistakable boney socket. I pull out his eye. Stringy red tissue twists around the optic nerve, and with a swift drag of my knife, I cut through the vessels. Then I do the same with the other eye.

I hold them up in my leather gloves, admiring them in the shadows, the vessels and nerves hanging from each of them like scraps of seaweed decorating the beach. Even in death, he will never look at my baby girl again.

Blood covers me, warm and wet. I hop off of the bed. He's hacked up, his sheets red, his flesh pulped. His face looks more like red clumps of dirt than a human skull. But I want more.

Using the cleaver, I cut off his head. His creamy white spinal cord pokes out of the meaty flesh, but as I hold up his head by his matted, textured hair, I'm pleased with myself. He looks so much better like this. Real. Like the fucked up dick he is. I whistle a tune, then place it down on the bed so he can watch me get rid of his body.

I check his phone, curious about his jerk off material. A picture message fills the screen a funny looking women in red satin lingerie posing on her bed. 

Seriously this the shit he jerks off too? What a pussy

Killing him is practically a favor. Mia didn't need him anymore, she had me.

With my mask on, I cover the rest of his body in primer, then insulation foam, stuffing him into the crawl space. I even toss the eyeballs on top of it. A trail of blood covers our trek from his bedroom to the closet, but it doesn't matter. 

I don't care if the police find out. Maybe it's better if they find him sooner. With their protocol, it'll take at least a few days before they even consider doing a wellness check.

I do one last sweep of the cottage, cleaning up hastily, but well enough. Then I grab his head by the hair again, his eyelids closed, bloody, and flat. I let his head drop into a thick black garbage bag. Even though it's only the head, it's heavier than you'd expect, like a bowling ball slung in a duffel bag. I walk to the woods to Barry his remains.

Later that night, I text My Mia.

"Hey what are you doing." I text.

She opens the chat and reads it but doesn't respond.

What the hell? Didn't I make it clear to her to what will happen if she ever piss me off again.

"Do you want me to punish you again?" I text grinning. 

Ah finally see her chat bubble typing. 

Good girl

"I'm busy right now." She replies.

"Doing?" I reply back.

"Art commissions something you wouldn't know about." She replies.

Clearly she's not in the mood, probably still pissed about what I did to her in that alleyway. or what I did to that Jackass jake.

"I'm coming over." I text. 

"but I'm busy." She replies fast.

"too bad. I don't give a shit." I reply 

"IM BUSY !! " she texts.

"I don't give a shit, I'm coming over end of discussion." I reply. I guess I'm going to have to fuck that attitude right out of her.

And with that I walk myself to my bike and head to Mia's house.

𝙊𝘽𝙎𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉 𝙐𝙉𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙀𝘿 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now