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ALEX BENNETT6'4Caucasian28 years old

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28 years old

 Alex's Background: Alex grew up in a rough neighborhood, he was in foster home from foster home

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Alex's Background: Alex grew up in a rough neighborhood, he was in foster home from foster home. where he learned to rely on his instincts and street smarts to survive. He has a checkered past, having been involved in petty crime in his youth, and has since become a criminal involved in more serious activities. His experiences have left him with a deep distrust of authority and a tendency to operate on the fringes of society. Alex now works as a professional criminal, using his skills and connections to navigate the underworld.


25 years old

Mia's background: Mia grew up in a loving but strict household, feeling stifled by her parents' expectations

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Mia's background: Mia grew up in a loving but strict household, feeling stifled by her parents' expectations. She rebelled in her teenage years, experimenting with drugs and wild behavior. After college, she stopped talking to her family due to a bad relationship, and it was just her. Eventually, she found her passion for art. Now, Mia works as a freelance artist, using her creativity to express herself and make a living. Her past struggles have left her with a deep sense of empathy and a desire to create a more compassionate world.

𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now