Chapter Seven

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He stood before me, his presence a mixture of intensity and uncertainty. Alex was like a storm, both captivating and dangerous, and I found myself drawn to him in ways I couldn't explain.

His eyes held a fire that seemed to mirror the turmoil within me, igniting a desire that both scared and excited me.

As he reached out to touch me, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions.

Part of me wanted to push him away, to run from the intensity of our connection, but another part yearned to lean into his touch, to lose myself in the heat of the moment.

I let him pull me close, his arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace. I could feel the heat of his body against mine, the rhythm of his breath matching my own.

In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of us, lost in a world of our own making.

As we stood there, locked in each other's arms, I couldn't help but wonder what was happening between us.

I knew that getting involved with Alex was dangerous, that his world was far from safe, but there was something about him that I couldn't resist.

Breaking the silence, he whispered in my ear, his voice a low, gravelly growl. "You drive me crazy, Mia. I can't get you out of my head."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a thrill that both excited and frightened me. I wanted to tell him to stay away, to protect myself from the inevitable heartache that would surely follow, but a part of me longed to give in to the passion that simmered between us.

As he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against mine in a gentle kiss, I found myself melting into his embrace. In that moment, all of my doubts and fears melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled desire that pulsed between us.

I melted into him, my hands roaming over the hard planes of his back.
He groaned and deepened the kiss, then crawled over me, pinning me fully against the bed.

I gasped as he pressed his erection between my thighs, hot and heavy.
My core clenched in response, and an aching need built inside of me.
More, closer.

Oh did I forget to tell him I was a virgin? YES.. stupid fucking me nice going very fucking nice.

He trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck, pausing to nip at my pulse point. A jolt of pleasure-pain shot through me.

"Please," I breathed, not even sure what I was begging for. More. Less. I didn't know.

"Shh." He cupped my breast through my T-shirt, Rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"I got you." He slid his hand lower, then slipped into my shorts. He teased my slick folds with his fingers, and when he found my clit, I cried out, trembling. No one had ever touched me there before. Alex swallowed my sounds with another searing kiss.

"So wet for me already," he rasped against my lips. "I'm going to make you come so hard, you'll forget your own name, Mia."

He slid one long finger inside me, and I gasped at the intrusion-a flicker of pain and then mind-numbing pleasure as he started to move in and out.

"That's it," he crooned. "Relax for me, Mia. I won't hurt you."
I forced myself to breathe through the strangeness of the sensation.

He pumped his finger slowly, giving me time to adjust. The discomfort faded, replaced by building pressure and heat.

My hips rocked of their own accord, seeking more. He pushed deeper, stretching me deliciously.
Then he curled his finger, finding a spot that made me see stars. I cried out again, nails digging into his shoulders. "There," he growled. "You like that, don't you?"

All I could do was moan in response as he stroked that place inside me again and again, pushing me higher and higher.

Then he twisted his hand a little, and his thumb found my clit. He pushed, then circled until pleasure crashed over me like one giant wave. I shattered around his finger, clinging to him as I rode out my orgasm.

I came back to myself slowly, still trembling in his arms. He held me close, one hand stroking my hair while the other caressed my cheek. "You did so well, Mia," he murmured. "You're beautiful when you come for me baby."

Heat flooded my cheeks. I didn't know how to respond to such intimate praise.

I hid my face against his throat. But he would have none of it. He cupped my chin, skimmed his thumbs over my cheeks, then held my face, gazing into my eyes.

I saw warmth there and something else-a hunger that made my pulse jump.

For a moment, I was tempted to nod, but instead, I shook my head.
"You're feisty one," he said softly. "Thank God, since I'm not done with you yet."

Still cupping my chin, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over my lips. "Not by a long shot."
Panic and arousal warred inside me. I wanted more, but I was freaking out, as well. Should I tell him I was still a virgin?

Did he need to know? Would he even notice? As if sensing my thoughts, he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"Shh." His smile disappeared. "I won't hurt you. I promise." I narrowed my brows, somehow confused. So, he knew I was a virgin. But how? Could he tell? "Why would you hurt me?"

He looked at me for a couple of heartbeats. " Well for starters baby I'm a pretty huge guy so if you need to stop, we'll stop."

So, he knew I hadn't had sex before "I won't tell you to stop." A grin transformed his face. "Then beg me to take you."

Beg? He wanted me to beg? Was this his idea of foreplay?

"Mia?" He grabbed my jaw and stared down into my eyes.

This was so wrong and yet... I'm so fucking turned on "Please take me." It was as if I'd unleashed a firestorm with those three words. He had himself and me naked in seconds, he put on a condom, raised both my legs, and pushed inside of me with one long stroke.

I cried out with the sharp pain. And we both FROZE.

𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now