Chapter Twelve

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The anger pulses through me like a raging storm, fueled by the humiliation and frustration of seeing Mia with that guy, Jake. My fists clench, and my vision blurs with a red haze as I storm out of the coffee shop, dragging Mia along. Every step is fueled by a volatile mix of jealousy and rage.

I'm going to fucking punish her so bad she's going to beg for me to stop.

Her attempts to reason with me fall on deaf ears. her pleas are nothing more than irritating background noise. I can feel her fear, a palpable energy that only intensifies my anger. The mere thought of her spending time with Jake sends a surge of possessiveness through me that's almost suffocating.

"Alex, let go, please," she says.


I can see the tears forming in her eyes, but I don't give a shit. She knew better. I told her she was mine and mine only, forever.

"Alex, he's just a friend," she says, struggling to free herself from my grip.


"Nobody touches what's mine, but that's fine. I'll handle him later," I growl.

As we navigate the deserted streets, the shadows cast by the dim streetlights only enhance the ominous atmosphere. I can feel the tension radiating from Mia, her fear almost tangible. It's a powerful rush, intoxicating in its ability to make her submit to my control.

"Alex your hurting me please stop." She says whimpering.

I don't respond, I keep dragging her with my strong grip.

Finally, we come to a halt in a desolate alley. The dim glow of distant streetlights casts eerie shadows, amplifying the intensity of the moment. Mia trembles before me, her eyes wide with fear. I lean in, my voice a low, threatening growl. "You think you can just flirt with that guy in there and get away with it, Mia?"

"Please." She says, holding back her tears.


"He's just a friend." She says

"You think a pathetic excuse like 'just a friend' will save you?" I sneer, my anger intensifying. She attempts to hold back tears, a futile effort against the overwhelming fear that has consumed her.

"You must think I'm a fucking idiot." I growl.

She freezes and stares blankly.

"Now I'm going to punish you." I say intensely.

By forcing her to come right here and right now. That's the only way I break her. other than physically hitting her. Which something I'll never do I'll never put my hand on a women. Its a sinister game where I assert dominance through emotional manipulation. It's a chilling power play.

"Wh-What?" She says shakily.

As her voice quivers, she stammers out an explanation, "I swear, he's just a friend."

"Fucking liar," I retort with venom, dismissing her words as if they're inconsequential.

Her attempts to speak are choked by the fear that wraps around her like a vice. In this moment, I revel in the power I hold over her, my anger driving me to assert dominance. The alley becomes a dark theater for my rage, and Her, an unwilling audience.

𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃  ✓ | 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang