Chapter Twenty-One

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2 weeks later

Everything has been going great with Alex lately. He's been more gentle and caring, which is a relief because he was starting to scare me. But I can't shake the feeling that he's hiding something.

my mind is clouded with a restless unease. There's an ache in my chest, a deep-seated worry gnawing at me. Jake, my supposed friend, has been M.I A, and a sickening feeling lingers in the pit of my stomach.

I grab my phone, fingers tapping anxiously as I dial Jake's number. It goes straight to voicemail, and a knot tightens in my throat. This isn't like him. Jake may be reckless, but disappearing without a word? That's a new low.

Omg I hope he's okay, please be okay.

I drive to the last place I remember him mentioning—an Airbnb he'd booked for a few days. The place is tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, an ominous silence hanging in the air as I approach the door.

I knock, but there's no response. Anxiety pulses through me, urging me to kick the door down, but I resist. Instead, I pull out my phone and call Jake again, the ringing echoing through the empty halls.

Frustration boils within me, and I take matters into my own hands. I try the door, finding it unlocked. A wave of uncertainty washes over me as I step inside. The space is eerily tidy, devoid of any signs of Jake's presence.

I move from room to room, searching desperately for any trace of him. Empty beer bottles, a shirt thrown carelessly on a chair, something that says he was here. But the rooms remain sterile, void of any personal touch. "Jake." I yell through the house.

As I reach the last room, a sinking realization sets in. This wasn't just a temporary stay; it was a disappearance. Jake intentionally erased himself from this place, leaving no breadcrumbs for me to follow. My frustration turns to anger, the betrayal cutting deeper than I'd like to admit. How could he just vanish without a word, especially now?

I sit on the edge of the bed, my mind swirling with unanswered questions. The Airbnb feels more like a mausoleum of memories now. Jake's absence casts a shadow over the room. As I stand in the unsettling silence of Jake's Airbnb, my phone vibrates, breaking the stillness.

I glance at the screen, and it's Alex calling. A mixture of relief and anxiety washes over me as I answer, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Hey, Alex. What's up?" I say, feigning nonchalance.

"Where are you, Mia?" His voice is sharp, cutting through any pretense.

"Oh, just out running some errands," I respond, my eyes darting around the room as if searching for Jake.

There's a moment of silence on the other end, and I can almost feel Alex's skepticism. "Running errands? Really?" he retorts, his tone edging towards frustration.

"Yeah, you know, grocery shopping, grabbing some art supplies," I say, the lies tasting bitter on my tongue.

"I know you're not where you say you are, Mia. I've got eyes everywhere," he snaps, a cold edge to his voice.

My heart skips a beat, and a chill runs down my spine. "What are you talking about, Alex?"

"Don't play games with me. I can see exactly where you are," he says, his tone becoming more aggressive.

I glance around, my mind racing. How does he know? The realization hits me like a freight train—he must have a tracker on my phone.

"You're at Jake's place, aren't you?" he accuses, his anger palpable through the phone.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Alex, it's not what you think. I just wanted to check on him. He's been M.I.A, and I was worried."

"Worried? Or digging into things you shouldn't be?" he retorts sharply.

"Alex, I just need to find Jake. Something's not right, and you can't expect me to sit around and do nothing," I plead, my voice cracking with frustration.

my eyes widen at the unexpected sight Jake's phone lying on a table.

He left his phone as well What the fuck was really going on.

He exhales sharply, the tension escalating. "Mia, you need to trust me. There are things you don't understand."

"Mia, you need to understand," His voice cuts through the phone with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine. "I did what needed to be done. Jake was a threat, not just to us but to you."

His words hang in the air, heavy with a sense of finality. I grip Jake's phone, my fingers trembling as the weight of his admission settles over me.

"You killed him?" I say, my voice strained with a mix of disbelief and horror.

Omg he did...killed him..

"It was a necessary move, Mia. You don't know the danger he posed," he replies, his tone unyielding.

A surge of anger courses through me. "DANGER?! YOUR DELUSIONAL, he was my friend How could you" I say sobbing

My heart is literally banging out my chest. He really killed him.

"I did it to protect you," He insists, his words laced with an unapologetic conviction.

The frustration and helplessness build up inside me. "Protect me? You've destroyed everything! I can't believe you took someone's life in the name of protection. Your a monster."

His voice remains stoic, detached. "Sometimes, the line between protector and monster blurs. But you need to trust me, Mia. I did it for us."

"For us?" I snap, the anger boiling over. "There is no 'us' anymore, Alex. I HATE YOU." i say hanging up.

I curl up on the ground crying, squeezing Jake's phone. Why why why why

I grab my things and grab Jake's phone and drive to my art studio to let myself in.

As I stand in the studio.. I start dialing the police I freeze when I hear a bang.

𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 | 18+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat