48: Once Like You

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[victoria's pov]

Havoc has been the common theme of the wizarding world now that Tom was becoming the new Grindelwald.

In my naivety, I look for him in the corridors of Hogwarts, still hanging onto the old him. Holding onto what we once were.

When I step in my single dormitory, I can smell him in the sheets and feel his cold touch in the middle of the night when I'm kept awake by the longing.

Sometimes I found myself in his chamber, in hopes he would be there. Even though it was impossible. He may have been alive, but he was almost dead to me.

Though things were very quiet at Hogwarts. It was as if Dumbledore's presence was what kept things that way. Speaking of Dumbledore, I was summoned to his office so I sat before his desk for the first time since he became headmaster in 1965.

He cleared his throat and I could tell he was trying to avoid any conversation about my family history. Not only that, but I was also hoping it's not what summoned me to his office.

"It is about time, we discuss the upbringing of Tom Riddle," Dumbledore says, catching me by surprise. He senses my surprise and adds, "It's come to my attention that you were both acquainted with each other before he declared himself as Voldemort."

"Barely," I comment. "Whatever Tom and I had is not something I want in the history books. To be made a story or love interest in the tales of this war."

Dumbledore seems to think I'm getting ahead of myself and says, "What is said in this room stays in this room, I can assure you. That's why I'm going to give you an offer."

"What kind of offer?" I ask.

"We shall see to it," Dumbledore says. "But firstly, I must tell you of what happened ten years after Hepzibah Smith's death."

I almost don't question it, but I ask, "Who?"

"I believe her to be a victim of Tom Riddle," Dumbledore says. "The elf's memories are heavily warped, but I believe he killed her to take Salazar's Locket and Hufflepuff's cup, treasures of hers that had gone missing."

"And so what happened ten years later?" I asked.

"He came onto school grounds, in hope to take over your job. He just didn't know it was you of all the professors, who was teaching defence against the dark arts. I then confronted him, knowing well that he wanted the power to influence the young minds of the future. I couldn't let that happen so naturally, I dismissed him"

"What does this have to do with me being here?" I asked.

"It has everything to do with you being here," Dumbledore says. "I have started an organisation. The Order of the Phoenix in hopes to fight against this war. I cannot tell you anything much further unless you agree to the terms of our order."

"And this organisation's purpose is to-?"

"To put an end to Tom Riddle's evildoings," Dumbledore says graveley. "And I have a feeling you can help us put an end to it."

There's a heavy pause even though I already knew my answer.

"I've said it several times already," I said. "I will not put myself between Tom and this war."

"Dear, child, you already are," Dumbledore says.

"You forget my age, Dumbledore," I say. "I'm no longer a child."

"But before me is the same young woman who came into my office for answers of her family," he said. "Only to be led down the wrong path into the clutches of Tom Riddle. Tell me, do you really expect him to choose you over power?"

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