16: Heart to Heart

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[victoria's pov]

Christmas break had finally arrived and Druella had invited Serenity and I to her house for the first two weeks of Christmas break. Theo had invited me and my friends to a Christmas ball, which his father and step mother held annually. And because of that, Druella had forced Serenity and I to practise a simple ball dance and waltz every chance she got.

Theo and I had also reassured each other to not feel obligated about gifting each other, as we both found it usually hard to find the perfect gift for someone. And speaking of "gifts," Theo hadn't liked the fact I was wearing Riddle's ring, but had begrudgingly let me keep it out of sight. I wore it as a necklace instead, tucking it under my shirts.

I had also gotten a letter from Gwendelyn to visit, which I had already planned to since I hadn't seen her in a while. Then, I'd head back to Hogwarts for the rest of the last week of Christmas break, in prayers I wouldn't get involved with Riddle again. Though that would be difficult because he had never chosen to leave Hogwarts when given the option. I questioned if he had even ever been to Hogsmeade after that thought.

The Slytherin common room was now more spacious than ever, all of the first years and most of the second years had gone home, as they were probably homesick

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The Slytherin common room was now more spacious than ever, all of the first years and most of the second years had gone home, as they were probably homesick. Most of the students would be out in Hogsmeade, having snowball fights outside, or skating at the lake, as there'd be nothing to do in the common rooms.

I heard a commotion of girls past my room as I was packing my clothes. I grew curious and saw them approach Riddle, who seemed busy writing in his journal. The tallest girl of the group tapped his shoulder to get his attention–a horrible way to start a conversation with Riddle, as I knew he wasn't a fan of touch (especially from a girl you've never talked to.)

"I just wanted to give you this before I leave," she said, handing him a parcel.

She didn't seem nervous. Perhaps she had taken a tonic for nerves because she seemed overly confident.

"It's a pastie," she said. "I had the castle elves make it fresh."
Tom didn't seem intrigued, but to keep his charming reputation, he had to bear the frustration of drawing so much unwanted attention.

"Thank you," he said, hoping they'd go away. Then added, "But I'm not a fan of treats."

He handed it back to her and stood up, heading to the stairs. I watched him climb all the way up until he reached me.

"Afternoon, Victoria," he said. It was the first time he had ever greeted me first. Or called me by my first name, as a matter of fact.

"Hi, Riddle," I said before rushing back into my room and closing it. A shoe stuck itself between the crack and I opened it, seeing Riddle hadn't left.

"Marvolo," he said. "I'd prefer Marvolo from you."

From me?

It was oddly sudden for him to say that. Perhaps he didn't like the name Riddle as much as he didn't like Tom.

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