The quidditch field buzzed with excitement as students of all four houses ruled the stands, screaming many sorts of cheering taunts and words of affection for the two competing houses; Ravenclaw vs Slytherin .

Carmen and Pandora, The only two that didn't practice the sport, sat in the middle of the stands looking as puzzled as ever.

The Ravenclaw quidditch team was the first to show up; lining their part of the field.

Next, was Slytherin, pride and mock arrogance controlled their every move, that with a mere look at them you'd run back scared.

Barty crouch leveled the Ravenclaw captain from up to down like the maniac he is.

Carmen shared a confused glance with Pandora, but before she could utter a word; Madame
Hooch blew the whistle signaling for both teams to take their positions in the air.

Seconds later the game started, the two teams flying around in super speed blurring Carmen's vision, she turned to ask Pandora one more question, but noticed that the blonde was not there,

Where the hell did she go?

"Looking for someone?" A taunting voice caught Carmen attention, in which she later discovered belonged to Lucas, the arse-hole who spread a rumor about her.

Carmen scoffed, swiftly rolling her eyes "Well, certainly not you!" And asked the person beside her to switch, which was unfruitful since they denied.

"Why are you trying so hard to get away from me? Didn't your scary boyfriend already punch me?" He raised one demanding eyebrow.

Carmen's nose scrunched up in disgust, "If I were you I'd be thankful, he stopped me from teaching you a lesson" as she leveled him with a glare.

The blonde laughed mockingly,"Awe, were you going to punch me too?"

"Oh No, I wouldn't dare... " Then she did, infact, punch him.

Gasps of students around them caught the attention of the professors as well as the whole school turned to look at her.

Regulus, who had been glued to his spot trying to catch the snitch saw the scene unfold, "HEY!" He yelled over to the stands, practically flying to her.

Madame Hooch blew the whistle once more, turning to scream at Barty "Control your seeker!"

Barty and Evan shared a look before they too flew down asking their professor for a break.

"You fucking prick, hadn't I warned you not to even breath the same air as her??" Regulus jumped off his broom, running to the, now, bleeding boy.

"Move the way!!!" Professors Mcgonagall said, followed by two other teachers.

"Oh, god help me" Carmen mentally cursed.

The angry woman bolted at her, "What on godric's name happened here?"

"Well shouldn't you ask him instead, he was probably harassing her like usual" Regulus scoffed annoyingly.

"I didn't even utter a word!!" Lucas exclaimed, and Mcgonagall raised an eyebrow at Regulus.

"There's always verbal harassment?" He shrugged.

The professor sighed in I've-had-enough-of-your-bullshit manner, "Either way there's no excuse for what your friend did, Detention for a week Mrs Thompson"

Evan face palmed for what was about to come, Regulus opened his mouth in disbelief, "You can't do that!"

"Watch me try Mr black"

The curly headed boy, acting like the drama-queen he was, tried controlling his anger by stating the next lines very quietly, "No you won't try to do that, cause if you do; I assure you My parents won't be pleased"

Carmen, who felt threatened by the dangerous look in Regulus' eyes, secretly intertwined her hands with his, lightly squeezing them for reassurance.

"It's alright professor, I'll gladly serve detention" The girl nodded, following professor slughorn who looked shocked to say the least, certainly he didn't expect his most polite student to punch someone bloody.

"That's just bullshit!" Regulus stomped his broom on the ground,

"That's detention for you too Mr black!" Slughorn cried.

Barty gawked, "No, sir- can't we wait after the match?" And Evan nodded agreeingly. "We don't have another seeker"

The man pretended to consider it for a second before he gave in,"Fine then, but you-" he turned to glare at Carmen "You're coming with me"

Carmen rolled her eyes playfully,"fine, stop fighting over me" she sassed.

As she walked away, Evan grabbed Regulus shoulder forcefully,"Focus! We're practically losing this match. Win this one and you can go knocking the shit out of him" he nodded towards lucas.

And with that the three boys returned to the field, winning the match without even batting an eyelash.

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