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As soon as we reached hogsmead carmen took my hand and we both apparated to her house.

My first impression of the house was neat, It was a big mansion, not as big as ours ofcourse but still fancy enough.

It was a vibrant place, colours everywhere and I hated it as soon as I laid my eyes on it, opposite to my place; the house was strongly lit that you had to squint your eyes at how much light there was, Carmen too wasn't pleased with what she saw

"Bienvenue à la porte de l'enfer" she muttered and I bit back a smile as I looked around

"Mother?" She called around the house and when there was no answer she smiled mischievously at me.

"Let's go!" She took my arm and practically dragged me up the stairs and into a room that seemed to be hers, which was equally as awful as the rest of the house with its bright colors and modern exterior

"Quit with the disgusted face! and look at this" she snapped fingers infront of my face to get my attention as she reached for her wand and what happened next amazed me beyond believe

With a wave of her wand the whole room changed, the sickingly yellow colored walls were replaced by moody brown ones while the whole furniture changed into new, better ones

I couldn't help but stare in awe as the room turned and swerved quickly matching her character

"Now that's better" she flopped down on the messy bed with a content sigh

"How do you do that?" I asked still in disbelief of my surroundings.

"I'm just amazing like that" she smirked

"modest too" I added watching the look of disapproval on her face.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, not long and my mother would be here to ruin the whole mood" she rolled her eyes at the mention of her mother and I couldn't agree more.

I didn't know the woman wholeheartedly, but I didn't need to understand how cruel she is, Last time when I saw her hit Carmen I was enraged, a dark feeling erupted inside of me.

"Aren't you going to sit?" My attention shifted to Carmen who was looking for something through her drawers

"Aha!" She let out as she opened up a drawer filled with sodas and a bunch of other energy drinks, she threw me one and it was surprisingly cold, huh.

I wondered what on earth made her hide all those drinks even though they didn't contain a single percent of alcohol in them and my mind quickly shifted to the first day of last term when I caught her intentionally puking, At that time I didn't give it much thought but now with all these reserved thought I worried, but ofcourse I wouldn't dare to ask.

A strong thud could be heard from downstairs and carmen immediately paled, she quickly transformed her room back and gestured for me to follow her down the stairs

The annoying sound of her mother speaking with someone reached us and at first I thought she might be speaking on the phone but a gruff voice chuckled at her, A man's

An angry looking Carmen stormed off to where her mother stood "what do you think you're doing!" She spat and I don't think I have ever seen her that mad before,

Not that I'm always noticing her

"Carmen!" Her mother slurred awfully cheeky

"You're drunk" Carmen looked up and down at her obviously disgusted "And who are you?" She glared at the stranger standing by the doorway

"I'm with her" the man said before inspecting carmen then he slyly added "but you could get some if you want"

Carmen stared at him in utter shock as her mother let out a ridiculous laugh

Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it

My anger got the best of me as I felt myself grab my wand and shoot a quick "protego" at him, the man was shot back slamming forcefully into the wall behind him "merde" I heard carmen whisper

"Qu'est-ce que tu as fait!" Her mother shouted at me

"Tu es sans vergogne" I spat already going back upstairs, it's not my business anymore

Moments later I heard a knock on the door I muttered a single 'come in' as I saw it open, and there stood an embarrassed carmen

"Sorry about that" she said and I noticed how her entire face went red

I quickly shook my head "no such thing, she's a horrible woman"

"That she is" she said before we fell into an uncomfortable silence, I took my time observing her; her brows were in a deep frown as she stared at the wall angrily seemingly consumed by thoughts, she swept her eyes around the room until they reacher my own

"I obliviated him by the way" she said and I nodded in agreement, he seemed a muggle anyway so it was definitely the right thing

"Where will I be staying?" I asked after an awkward second

"You could take any room you want, there's alot" she said opening the door and leading me to the hallway but as we passed every room I couldn't help but notice that there were name tags on them which meant they were reserved for other people, mentally facepalming I reached the last one silently praying for it to be empty,

It wasn't.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

It totally wasn't the plan to force them into one room

It wasn't!

It probably was...

Also thank you sm for 1k <3

((I'm so excited for upcoming chapters!!!!))

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