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Arguing with Carmen is impossible, utterly useless, if she wants something and you don't she will just wholeheartedly convince you how you want it to and you would listen because she has that kind of pleading eyes and trustworthy look on her face in addition to her softspoken voice, she could convince children to start a revolution if she wanted .

The passage was dark and fairly tight , sort of a corridor but with worn out walls and a faint glimmer of light that shined from afar .

Between the moment when the entrance surprisedly closed on its own after we entered and the moment where little droplets of water started falling from the ancient ceilings I realized how much i regret my choice and that i should never follow that damned girl anywhere

Carmen on the other hand was thrilled, one would think she has been nominated for ruling the world with the way she looked excitingly around her admiring everything when there wasn't very much anything to admire which annoyed me deeply

"What are you doing?" I asked walking beside her and occasionally ducking when the ceiling became too short

"Admiring the art around me" she retorted

"I know i just said that but this isn't art"

"Everything around us is art , didn't you just say that mr i know everything" she said in a horrible attempt to mock my voice

"one can't even argue with you, it's completely useless"

"I'm glad you figured that in such short notice" she smiled sarcastically holding out her wand as a source of light

And while our wands not being completely enough to light up the whole corridor her face was clear to notice

The braid she normally wears everyday was loosened today letting her black waves highlight her icy features and the frown that usually sat between her eyebrows initiating she was thinking or daydreaming ,

what was she thinking about?

My thoughts were quickly interupted "What kind of art would i be?" She wondered answering my unspoken question


"Well you said everything around us is art, some good, some horrible, and some extraordinary" she repeated

"Yes, I do believe that myself"

"And where do i stand on this rate of yours?" She asked curiosity shining in her eyes

"You're not on this rate"

"Why?" She asked rather disappointed then she added more confidently this time "I thought everyone and everything was art"

"yes , but i don't judge how good art is based on outlines and appearences for example a book can be precieved alluring when infact what's inside could be rather boring" I explained silently urging her not to pressure me harder with this question

"like maths" she suddenly said

"I'm sorry what?"

"Maths , completely useless if you ask me" she muttered a disgusted look on her face

"good thing I'm not asking you"

"Very funny" she mocked then the realization hit her

"You like Maths!" She gasped as if i betrayed her in anyway

"Yes i do what's wrong with that?" I laughed confused by her fit

"None other than serial killers and psychopaths like Maths" she added

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