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It has been a week since Carmen's birthday and the strange things that occurred that day.

After I had woken up I realized something; that necklace is enchanted , and we don't know its power yet but it sure is powerful, and that's why I'm now in the library with carmen sitting at a small table by the very corner of the library so no one would notice us.

"I found this one" Carmen said returning to her seat and placing a large book infront of me

The book looked old and rusty even the cover looked like it's going to fall apart any minute now.

"Dark magic and its objects" I read the title out loud and immediately became confused

"Isn't that from the restricted section?" I asked the not so sly girl infront of me


"Wha- how did you get that?"

"I have my ways, now focus on the book" she smirked when I rolled my eyes at her and so we began scamming the pages together

"My neck hurts" she grumbled after a while

"Well then come sit here" I motioned to the seat beside me

"This is much better , I was reading upside down this whole time" she let out a relieved breath

"I won't even ask how"

"I get bored alot" she answered biting back a smile

I turned to look at her. she looked beautiful today; her long hair fell like curtains on her back highlighting her whole face, her brows were knitted together as she scanned the book , she always does that when she's focused, its always the knitted brows and biting her lips thing,

She tore her eyes from the book and looked at me

"You're staring" she stated

"I know"

"Well, don't" she rolled her eyes and I could have sworn I saw her cheeks turn red

"Why does it bother you?"


I narrowed the distance between us bringing my head down abit to meet her piercing gaze "Liar"

"Can we please focus on this? Or do you need me to jinx you again?" She raised an eyebrow at me warningly

"Yes ma'am" I huffed out a laugh

We returned to focus mode each of us searching for atleast one bit of information that could guide us through this thing

"Wait!" Carmen said stopping my hand mid way before I turned the page

She grabbed the book and tapped her fingers on a small picture "what's that?"

I bent down to see the headline


"That's weird" she scrunched her nose in confusion as she read the words out loud "A horcrux is an object in which a wizard has intentionally hidden a fragment of his soul which works like a soul container of some sort"

"I never knew that was possible" I said dazed, I knew dark magic was powerful but not to the point of tearing one's soul apart into god knows how many pieces

"So, by that the mentioned wizard would be-"

"Immortal" I cut her off

"huh, now that's a brilliant way to be the most powerful wizard" carmen mocked but as soon as she let out those words we both turned to face each other as the realization dawned on us

Carmen quickly turned the page searching for more answers about the said object but the page after this explained a different topic about a powerful spell

She huffed angrily seemingly disappointed by the lack of information as so was I until I noticed the pages' numbers

200, 202

It couldn't be a mistake, could it?

"There's a missing page" I muttered loud enough for the both of us to hear

"What do you mean there's a missing page?" She leaned down inspecting it and surely enough there was a slight wrinkle between these two pages like a one of them had been torn

"Someone stole it" she said and I nodded approvingly

"Probably someone named tom riddle"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

A/n: don't forget to vote<3

Ps: it's my birthday so wish me a happy one either you see this chapter today or any other day I would be just as delighted with a 'happy birthday'

Have a wonderful day <3

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