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Sirius peered through the slightly open door inspecting it carefully until his eyes landed on a small figure sleeping so still on a bed in the middle of the room letting out a small whimper every once in a while

The two years old boy collected the courage and pushed the door open revealing more bits of his mother's old room , the emerald curtains were not fully closed letting a sliver of light fall on the sleeping creature and that seemed to annoy it as it began to move arbutly

Sirius ran as quick as his little legs could go and closed the curtains or at least tried to ,but still the small creature was unsatisfied and let out a small cry frightening the toddler in advance , slowly but surely Sirius took small steps towards the bed , brown eyes carefully observing it

He nudged the little figure of his baby brother but nothing happened and he slightly panicked

"Sirius what are you doing here?" Came the hushed voice of Andromeda black who was eleven years old at the time

"eda!" Sirius exclaimed and ran to hug her "i missed you too little one" she laughed at the little boy's excitement

"eda" Sirius nudged her pointing at the little boy sleeping "yes that's your baby brother regulus" she explained but Sirius scrunched his nose in confusion,

with a sigh Andromeda took the boy's hand and guided him closer to the bed "this is regulus, your new brother" she said once more but Sirius was having none of it

"no" he huffed angrily "what?" Andromeda was the one confused now "no!" Sirius yelled waking up the baby in advance as he let out a loud cry "no shhh" Andromeda quickly lifted the little boy and cradled him

"come Sirius! look how handsome he is" Andromeda said  and when Sirius did look at him he didn't regret it

The little boy had eyes as blue as the sky at night and a few strands of black hair brushed neatly to the front

And while Sirius was considered a bit pale regulus was much paler with tiny little freckles dotted across his cheeks and nose

"reggie" Sirius said amazed and suddenly he launched himself at his baby brother and embraced him earning a small laugh in response

And that was the exact moment Sirius black was the happiest little boy on earth.

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At the age of five Regulus Black had his first panic attack ,he never really knew what a
'panic attack' is ,

He walked down the long stairs admiring the antique chandelier that was hung high upon the wall each dangling string ended with a crystal star ,

sirius told him once that it was a metaphors as all the blacks were named after stars .

Furiously rubbing his eyes, the little boy who was too short for his age finally reached the only lit room

The voices became more and more clear with each step he took

He heard his father first
"You are not to disobey us again you little prat!" Followed by a dry laugh from his mother "as if he ever listens"

everything went silent for a few seconds and regulus though it was over, just another fight like usual, but oh how wrong he was

A loud scream echoed through the old mansion, and it was not the last, another after another but they were not just any screams they were Sirius'

The young boy came to a halt as soon as he recognized the voice

He quickly ran pushing the door open which revealed a cruel scene

Sirius black was sprawled on the ground panting heavily as each finger of his right hand dripped with thick droplets of blood and his parents staring upon his older brother with disgust

"Oh good thing you came young boy" his mother grabbed his by the collar and shoved him next to Sirius "now Sirius has been an excellent brother defending you hasn't you ?" She said smirking slightly at him "but don't you think you should take some responsibility darling ?" She asked mirroring her younger child face as it colored with fear in mock sadness

"NO!" Came a loud grunt from the injured boy , hair sticking to his sweaty forehead

"i'll take it" he added his face grimacing with each movement he made and their mother looked far more amused that she should be

"Alright then" his father stated

"you stay and watch" he laughed sickly at Regulus forcing him to watch while his brother's scream became more and more high pitched mixed with agony as their mother resumed carving filthy words in his arm torturingly slow

Regulus couldn't breathe , the world around him was spinning and everything was a blur , he took one last look at his screaming brother then fell with a thud on the ground

Once he woke up Sirius rushed to his side filling him with words of affirmation and relief and when regulus asked about earlier Sirius only replied with an awkward laugh explaining that none of this happened and poor regulus was only dreaming

Regulus could see his bloodstained sleeves but he didn't have the time to ask his older brother as he peppered him with hugs and jokes

That night , Regulus Black couldn't sleep and that's how his insomnia begun.

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The train station was crowded with families and students of all sorts and ages fumbling with their luggage as orion and walburga were picking a fight with some muggle parent

Regulus hated the site , he hated everything that contained too much people , he hated the term of going through a wall ,he hated being pushed every once in a while , he hated the smell of different perfumes and sweat mixed together , he hated the noise and mostly he hated the fact that his only source of happiness is leaving

Sirius on the other hand was thrilled , his eyes were wide and full of excitement as he inspected the place around him in adoration watching families bidding their children a farewell while others messed around jumping in and out of the train

"look how many people go to hogwarts" Sirius exclaimed
"Yeah" regulus replied with a pained expression then added with a sigh "do you really have to go"
"I'm sorry reggie you know i hate leaving you" Sirius patted his younger brother gently
"Doesn't look like it" regulus huffed angrily

Afterwards their parents came huffing angrily complaining about how muggles shouldn't be allowed to go to hogwarts then proceeded to drown Sirius with threats and what they expected of him lastly patting him on the back not so gently, And while the boys hugged Sirius noticed how Regulus was beginning to tear up

"Hey! Look at me" Sirius palmed the boy's cheeks gently pushing his face upwards "i know you're mad at me for leaving ,but you'll barely notice my absence, i'll send you lots of letters and  before you even realize it i'll be back for Christmas"

Come to think of it , he never did come back for Christmas.

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