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third pov

the four of you have been travelling for a while and you were all tired so naruto suggested setting up camp next to a river for a little bit to regain your strength. 

sasuke and naruto are about to go down to the river to catch some fish. sakura is insisting that you go along with them.

"are you sure you'll be fine on your own?"
"sure as can be! now go" she pushed you gently to sasuke and naruto's direction.
"whatever you say,  pinkie"

"cmon, we dont have time to lose" sasuke urged and you waved to sakura and walked with naruto and sasuke. on the way to the fiver, you gathered some sticks to make a fire. as soon as you got there, naruto shedded his jumpsuit and leaped into the water.

"yeahh!!" he yelled as he canonballed into the water, causing a few fish to jump out of the water which sasuke nailed three othe them to a tree with a kunai.
"the water's great! you guys should hop in, believe it!" naruto exclaimed to us which seemed to annoy sasuke.

"we aren't here for a swim you idiot. we're just trying to catch some food" sasuke crossed his arms.
"have you caught enough fish yet?" you asked, trying to keep the peace
"only three, we'll need one more"
"im really not that hungry, three should be enough." you said
"no way! you fought super hard yesterday, you need as much strength as you can get!" naruto said before diving under the water and this time managing to grab two fish with his bare hands.

'oh wow.. he didnt do that in the show, thats for sure' you thought and laughed while naruto held up the fish triumphantly.
"nice job! maybe you were a fisherman in a past life, hahahaha!" you laughed.

sasuke jumps down from the rock he was on, landing right next to you.
"we should tell sakura we're finished"
"thats true, lemme dry off real quick!"
naruto hurriedly got out of the water and started shaking the water off of him like a dog, getting water everywhere.

"damn it, naruto!" you put a hand over our face to prevent getting hit with water.

soon enough naruto was done and you let sakura know that she could stop standing guard and go eat.

the four of you huddled around the fire, watching the fish cook and trying to gather the flame's heat at the same time. you could see naruto literally drooling at the sight of the fish.

'maybe if im fast enough, i can grab the biggest one! well.. maybe i shouldnt. Y/N was pretty injured, she should get the biggest fish' naruto's face went from a hungry grin to  sort of crestfallen. he was pretty hungry but the concern for Y/N's wellbeing outweighed that.

"you think its done now?" sakura inquires
"it better be, lets dig in!" naruto hastily grabs a fish and eats it ravenously, he was half done in a matterof seconds.

"you should really eat slower, naruto. maybe thats why your so hungry all the time" you advised. you hadn't eaten yet and it was a bit worrying for your team mates.
"you haven't even taken a bite, you need to regain your strength" sakura said to you and the two boys nodded in agreement (for once)

"im not hungry right now, ill eat later" you were actually starving, you just didnt want to take off your bandages and expose your mangled mouth. deep down sasuke and sakura knew, but they simply refused to acknowledge it.

(naruto doesnt know because he was unconsious for that part of the fight)


your team mates are asleep now, and you've taken the oppourtunity to devour your fish. after you ate you washed your face in the river, trying to ignore your reflection. you tied on the bandages again and headed back to your sleeping team mates.

suddenly, you heard a branch crack. you got out some ninja stars and got into a defensive position.
"who's there? show yourself!"
"you dont have to shout, y'know. its just me" a calm voice said from behind the bushes.
"shikamaru? what are you doing here?"

his face goes a bit pink but he hid it well, it was as if he didn't anticipate you asking him that question.
"uhhh.. n-no reason, just keeping lookout"
you didn't fully believe him but you also knew he had no bad intentions so you let it go.

"alright then. im going to sleep now so take a hike" you shooed him off, he obeyed and started to walk away.

my ninja way (naruto various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now