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Y/N pov

today is the day we have to get out picture taken as ninja! and also the day naruto meets konohamaru. i tried to enter narutos apartment but he wouldnt let me in, he was probably doing that crazy makeup.

i didnt really feel like waiting so i just got ready and left for the hokage buiding.

(imagine whatever outfit u want)

it only took me about 15 minutes to get there, i was now at the bottom of the steps to enter the hokege's building. i was going to start going up them but i felt someone but their hands on my shoulders. "hey Y/N! what'ya think??" "what do i think of wha-"

my mouth was left agape as i looked at naruto's riduculous appearance. "if im being honest you look stupid" he deadpanned and almost immediately started to make a fuss "what do you mean stupid! this face would strike fear into the heart of anybody, believe it!" i then laughed and pat his back three times. "sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,buddy. lets get this over and done with"

we walked up the steps and into the waiting room, there werent a lot of people there so i got in relatively quickly. i decided to get it taken before naruto. "say cheese!" the photographer tells me "cheese!" i smiled and held up a beace sign. the photo printed out of the cameran andthe guy gave it to me. "thanks"

when i went out naruto's face brightened, as if it wasnt bright enough with all thar facepaint. "show me the picture! show me! show me! show me!" he exclaimed. "here ya go" i gave him the picture in his awaiting hand. "you look so pretty!" "oh yeah?" "mhm!" "if you like it so much, you can have it" "really?!" "for sure, i dont have any use for it"

the old photographer stuck his head out the room "next!" he looked around and saw naruto's getup "oh dear kami.."

he then shut the door, im assuming to prepare for whatever was to come. i knew that after the picture was taken, naruto would probably be called to the hokage's office so i thought i should go around town, get more familiar with it. so i pat narutos bach and said "good luck" and left the building.

i went to a vendor and got myself some tricolored dango. i took a bite and gushed over the taste 'oh wow! this thing is even more delicious as it looks!' i walked up a hill and found a beautiful landscape of a grass plain

'nice, a clearing. perfect to relax' i sat against a tree and took a bite out of the white dango.

'i guess this world isnt so bad. i made some friends, andsome pretty good chakra. i should be put in a team soon. hopefully i can save those who didnt deserve to die.'

i then heard footsteps at the back. well, footsteps and munching. "what a drag, theres already someone here, lets go choji"

"its fine, i can go if you want" i stood up and dusted off my pants

"no its okay! she can stay right, shikamaru?"
"i suppose, you dont seem too troublesome" shikamaru rubbed the back of his neck while i deadpanned "gee thanks" i said sarcastically.

i sat back down leaning on the tree. choji sat on my left and shikamaru on my right. he put his arms behind his head in a sort of pillow position. im guessing choji sensed the tense atmosphere so he hesitantly held his bag of bbq chips to me and spoke with his mouth full "want some?" i raised an eyebrow, he'd never share his food with anyone.

"are you sure?" i asked

"of course, i dont mind!" choji smiled sweetly and blushed. i smiled back and took a chip "thanks"

i reached into the bag and took a handful of chips. choji looked a little disappointed but didnt say anything. "so, do you guys usually sit in silence and stare into oblivion?"

"its calming, if only you werent running your mouth" shikamaru said

"rude! just for that, im not sharing!" i closed my hand around the little group of chips that choji let me take. shikamaru just shrugged "good thing i ate at home, then"

we went back to being silent for a little bit until shikamaru surprisingly broke it. "so, what do you think about sasuke?"

"why are you asking me?" i ate the last of my chipsand waited for an answer. shikamaru's face turned a bit pink as he scratched the back of his neck "well... y'know, making conversation"

"riiight" i responded suspiciously before continuing. "i dont really have an opinion on the guy. i mean, hes a bit creepy so i dont wanna get on his bad side."

bith shikamaru and choji's faces relaxed at that "what a relief!" choji blurted out ebfore covering his mouth. i raised an eyebrow before he continued "just making sure you havent turned into one of his fangirls..! hahaha..." he laughed nervously

"oh. good point! they're scary" i shiver just thinking about those inhuman things, other than sakura and ino, they're okay. i soon stood up and dusted off my pants "well, nice talking to ya, but i should get going. no idea whatever trouble naruto's gotten himself into"

"good point, but if its serious just stay out of it okay?" shikamaru remarked. i gave him a playful salute "sure thing, mom" he rolled his eyes "whatever" then i walked away. naruto and konohamaru were probably near the bath house by now, i should find them

-after Y/N left-

"choji you idiot! you almost blew it!"

"sorry! it just came out!"
then shikamaru began to mock him "wHaT a ReLiEf! are you serious!?"

"i already said i was sorry! i know you like her and everything but it doesnt give you an excuse to be rude!"

"will you shut your big mouth?! she could still be nearby!"

naruto POV

'i wonder where Y/N is? ive been teaching this snot nosed kid for like an hour and she still hasnt found us, i hope i see her soon'

"hey naruto!" i see her waving to me in the distance. my eyes light up and i feel my heart flutter for a moment as i saw her walking towards us "who's this guy?" she points at konohamaru

"oh, him? thats-"

"im konohamaru, the third hokage's grandson! i will defeat him and become the fifth hokage!"

i looked at konohamaru, kind of angry that he interrupted me but when i was about to shout at him for the thousandth time today, i was stopped by Y/N's soothing voice.

Y/N pov

"big words for such a little guy, i wish you best of luck!" i smiled and ruffled the kid's hair, not noticing the dark red blush that painted his cheeks. "so, is naruto teaching you?" i inquired

"yes ma'am! im learning the amazing 'sexy jutsu'!" konohamaru's eyes lit up with determination and fire. i laughed at the mention of the sexy jutsu, remembering how the hokage's nose bled in the anime.

"can i see it?" i asked, wanting to see the hilarious amateur move. konohamaru made the hand sign and yelled out "sexy jutsu!" i was expecting to see the botched version of that random prettly lady like in the anime but instead i saw... ME!?

he transformed into an older me, with the clouds coering the private areas "WHAAAT?!" "WHAT THE HELL KID?! i instinctively punched the image of me and he turned back, a lump growing on the top of his head "ow!"

"Y/N i swear i didnt teach him this!"

"UGH!!" i took a moment to calm down and shook my head. " its okay.. hes just a kid" konohamaru ran up to me and apoligized "dont worry about it! sorry for hitting you, you just caught me off guard"

i rubbed the back of my neck and decided that i should leave and let them have their moment. "im going home, okay? see you naruto!"
i turned to walk away and waved at him, both boys waving back at me.

-after Y/N walked out of sight-

the two boys looked at each other "shes scary, boss!"

"tell me about it!"

chapter five done!

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