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Y/N pov

i looked into the gate, staring at the forest of death intently
'ive gotta save sasuke from orochimaru'

"eugh, just looking at it makes me queasy" sakura complained

anko laughed in response
"hah! it should! its called the forest of death and soon you'll see why"

"it wont be as bad when we're in it" i comforted with a hand on sakura's shoulder. she smiled at me. naruto pointed at anko

"Do your worst your not gonna scare me away! i can handle anything" he yelled confidently
i facepalmed.

'why and how is he always so energetic?'

anko smirked with her eyes closed
"well well looks like we got ourselves a tough guy"
then she suddenly hurls a kunai at naruto. i moved away from him out of caution. the kunai grazed his cheek, making a little cut.

anko teleported behind naruto and with a sinister look, she spoke.
"you tough enough for this? your not scared right?"

naruto felt his cheek and his eyes widened when he saw the blood on his finger.
"tough guys like you usually leave their blood all over this forest"

anko was going to proceed but was stopped when she saw an oddly long tongue emerge from behind her. i grimaced

'nasty bastard. of course his ass had to make a scene'

"i was just... returning your knife" the 'grass ninja' said
"why thank you, grass ninja!" anko thanked with a wide smile on her face.

naruto looked back in fear of that 'lady's' tongue and i ripped him out of anko's grip, wanting him away from orochimaru.

'how is nobody noticing this guy?! hes so creepy!

my vision was starting to blur in fear and anger of what he'll do in the future but i felt a hand slide up from the middleof my back up to my shoulder, it was sasuke. he was speaking into my ear, his stance mirroring that of orochimaru, who was still speaking with anko.

i snapped out of my thoughts and blinked a couple of times
"are you okay? you got really quiet all of a sudden" sasuke said

"oh, right. we should all stay away from the guy with the tongue, hes bad news" i said, not taking my eyes off of orochimaru, until his eyes met mine for a few seconds and i turned back to my team.

"do you understand?" i asked with a straight look on my face.
naruto and sasuke nodded.
"how do you know hes bad news?" sakura asked
"literally look at him for more than two seconds and tell me you dont feel the same"


third pov

'seems like everyone's quick tempered today, its gonna be fun' anko thinks before holding up a slip of paper

"now, before we can start the test, ive gotta give you this consent form" she says
"consent form? why?" naruto asks, squinting

"well, some of ya might not come back from this test, i have to get your consent to the risk or else responsibility would fall on me" anko explains while laughing as if she was joking with a close friend.

people started whispering about how insane the whole thing is.

"now ill explain the objective of the test." anko begins handing out the consent forms
"first of all, its meant to test your survival skills"

'survival? what a drag..' shikamaru yawns


third pov

anko had just explained how the exam is gonna work and you were now waiting at your designated gate.

lee looked into the distance with fire in his eyes
'i will make you proud, sensei! we will pass this exam with flying colours andi will win Y/N's heart!' he thought with a determined look in his eye. neji simply smirked with his eyes closed and leaned against a nearby tree cooly.

orochimaru and his squad were plotting

"we'll target the rookies, their easy prey."
"we'll get their scroll in no time. anything goes, right?"

Y/N pov

"BEGIN!" anko yelled out before the gates swung wide open. everyone disbersed with their own squads, my own taking off in the direct opposite of orochimaru's. we settled next to a tree and caught our breath.

"we have a heaven scroll, right?" i asked. nobody replied but sasuke pulled it out of his bag and held it up for me to see.
"let me see it" i held out my hand expectantly

"why" sasuke asked
"just do it" i replied.

he put the scroll in my hand and i 'examined it'. i actually make a perfect copy of it out of my chakra without anyone noticing.

"nice. i said nonchalantly before handing it back to sasuke and putting the fake one in my pouch.
"i wonder whats in it! the curiosity is killing me!" naruto exclaimed before being scolded by sakura.

"the proctor said not to open it before we reach the tower, just how dense can you be?" she said smugly.
"who're you calling smug?!"

i couldnt take it anymore and slapped a hand on both of their mouths, shutting the up
"will you two be quiet? you dont know whatever wild animal or enemy is hiding about" i said with a straight face before removing my hands from their mouths.

"o-oh right.. sorry about that" sakura apologises
"i actually really have to pee, hehe" naruto admits
"your kidding me, you couldnt have done that before we got here?" i said with a deadpanned face

naruto excused himself to go pee behind a tree. he came back about five minutes later
"man i peed buckets! i could  almost spell my own nam- AUGH!" 
sasuke had decked the guy in the back of the head

"huh? sasuke what did you do that for?!" sakura asked
"yeah it wasnt that crude." i added

sasuke then relentlessly attacked the decoy, looking at me in a way that i knew everything he was thinking, he knew it was a decoy. so when it hit the tree i ran up and held a kunai to its neck

"where's the real  naruto?" i asked with a calm face
"what the hell?! i am the real naruto!!"
"lousy disguise. naruto got a cut on his face before this. and hes right handed so why is your shuriken holster on your left leg?" i interrogated

the 'naruto' smirked sinisterly
"your as smart as you are pretty. im still gonna take your scroll" he declared before changing back into himself and jumping away. i kissed my teeth and got away from the tree i was sort of interrogating the guy on.

"sakura! go find naruto we can handle this guy!" i commanded
"right!" sakura said before running off to find him.

"so which one of you has it? or should i just take you both out?" the mysterious ninja taunts, running at sasuke and i jump up high in the air, sasuke hitting his phoenix flower jutsu while i looked for naruto and sakura from above.

the ninja dodged all or sasuke's attacks and jumped at sasuke, their kunai clashed but i kicked the guy in the face, causing him to start running the other way, jumping from branch to branch with me hot on his tail.

i looked down for a second to see naruto being helped by sakura. but when i looked up i saw the kunai and paper bomb coming at me. i grabbed onto the tree trunk and circled it, dodging the blow and gaining momentum, tackling the guy in the air and taking him to the ground.

when he hit the ground, he was replaced with a log
'a substitution?!

i suddenly felt a kunai touching my neck, right on my jugular vein.
"now hand over the scroll or you die, i wouldnt wanna waste such a pretty face"
"in your dreams" i responded.

the kunai inched closer and closer to  my neck until the guy was caugh off guard by a shuriken fired off by naruto, who jumped off the branch he was standing on.

'thanks, bud'

sasuke then activated his sharingan and went right at the guy who was in the air now, stabbing him in the stomach.

"Y/N are you alright?"
"im good, stay on the lookout this guy's probably got team mates"

"i wish... i came alone to avour arousing suspicion.. big mistake.." the ninja chokes out before leaving the place.

"is he gone?" naruto asks
"what a great start!" i exclaim sarcastically


we sat under a tree in a square

"that proves we cant trust looks alone. we'll have to come up with something to identify ourselves" sasuke says
"like some kinda password?" naruto suggests
"thats a good idea, naruto. but what should it be?" sakura placed a hand on her chin

"ive got one." sasuke said
"what is it?" i  asked
"the question will be: when does a ninja strike? the response is: a ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. that is the time for a ninja to strike. everyone got it?"

sakura nodded "got  it."
"uhhh, you got one shorter?" naruto asked sheepishly
"yeah i only got like half of it" i agreed
"no, thats it." sasuke replied monotonously.

"ughhhh fine" i reluctantly agreed. immediately after i said that a crash and explosion could be heard
"again?!" sakura exclaimed covering her face from the wind
"what is it now?" sasuke said, annoyed
"shh!" i put a finger over my lips and jumped over that heap of bushes, sakura and sasuke following close behind.

sasuke gripped a kunai in his hand tightly. i tried to get closer and see what was happening but he stopped me
"when does a ninja strike?" he asks suspiciously
"a ninja waits until the time is right when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. the rest i cant remember right now" i replied hurriedly.

he nods and seems to trust me now, he asked sakura the same question and she recited it perfectly. another 'naruto' emerged from the smoke.

"hey guys! im glad your all oka-"
"when does a ninja strike?" sasuke asks for the third time in a row
"a ninja aits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. that is the time for a ninja to  strike"
he replied perfectly.

i narrowed my eyes and threw a kunai at him, the way he dodged was totally not naruto. it was almost slithery.
"what was wrong with that? he said it perfecly!" sakura asks me
"when have you ever known naruto to ever memorise anything?" i replied
"oh yeah you have a point"

the 'naruto' smirks and licks its lips with its abnormally long tongue.
"well, well.. arent we the clever one." it said with is odd, smooth voice
"show yourself!" sasuke demanded

it turned back into the grass ninja. she took off her hat and looked right me and sasuke.
"this promises to be very entertaining..." she then stuck her tongue out and weirdly licked her hat. i got into a fighting stance out of nervousness with a shuriken in my hand

'he's so scary... but i cant think about that now, ive gotta save sasuke!'

chapter eighteen done!
who do you guys think should teach Y/N for the chuunin exams finals?

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