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N/N = nickname

third pov

you woke up with your futon weirdly crowded. you then turned over to find that sakura had snuck into yours last night. 'it must have been cold' you shrugged and shook sakura awake. "wake up, sakura" you whispered.

she stirred for a moment before opening her eyes, looking directly into yours for a moment. you both stayed motionless in the futon until you moved to stand up, sakura followed.

"we should check on kakashi-sensei, he seemed really banged up after overusing his sharingan" sakura commented.

"true" you responded

you and sakura went to the bathroom connected to your shared bedroom and brushed your teeth and got ready. she kept staring at you through the mirror, though. you changed from your night clothes into day attire and started towards kakashi's room.

"oh nice, hes already awake!" you remarked happily. sakura walked in after you and you closed the sliding door.
"how are you feeling, sensei?" sakura inquired. "if you want i can get you some tea from downstairs" you offered.

kakashi put his hand up dismissively and shook his head. "ill be fine but it'll take some time for me to be able to walk again, all i need is some rest"

sakura started scolding kakashi about how he shouldnt be using his sharingan so often. "sorry.." kakashi rubbed the back of his neck, his eye was closed so he was probably smiling. you giggled but stopped and looked at the door when you heard it slide open, revealing the tired sasuke and naruto

you waved "morning, guys"
"morning, N/N!" naruto greeted cheerfully. you smiled softly at the cute nickname. sasuke saw you. dont get him wrong, he loved your smile but he didnt like it when you smiled at his rival. sasuke walked towards you and sakura to sit in between you two.

"how is it sensei? feel any better?" naruto asked.
"as i said, it'll take a bit of time before i can walk properly again, but all i need is time"
"at least its nothing serious" sasuke said

"Zabuza is alive" kakashi revealed
"WHAT?!" naruto, sasuke and sakura yelled

"i have no doubt we'll fight eachother again, so lets start training"


kakashi got some spare crutches that tazuna had lying around and took the four of you out to the forest.
"today we'll focus on chakra control by climbing trees." kakashi started

you all looked confused and you raised a hand "how is that gonna help with chakra control?" you asked.
"we wont be using our hands"

naruto deadpanned "you've gotta be kidding"

"am i, lets see" kakashi answered and began his demonstration. he focused his chakra to his feet and started to walk up the tree.

"he makes it look easy" sasuke commented. you scoffed "hes a jonin, of course its gonna look easy" you acknowledged.

when kakashi got down he explained that you need to focus your chakra to your feet in order to stick to the tree. "now go!" he prompted.

the four of you did the handsign and ran toward your respective trees with kunai in your hands. naruto applied too little chakra and fell off the tree after two steps. sasuke on the toher hand, used too much and after and after about 10 steps was thrown off the tree.

sakura used the perfect amount and was able to climb up the tree on the first try. however, you were unintentionally using way too much chakra and on the first try you could only take three steps before breaking the tree and inevitably falling off.

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