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B/P = body part

-timeskip to after the graduation exam coz i aint writing allat-

Y/N pov

I was the last one to do the graduation which of course, i passed. I put the F/C forehead protector on my B/P and went outside, swimming through the sea of passed students with their parents congratulating them. "im a ninja now, dad!" "Im so proud of you sweetie!" their voices faded out and i saw naruto on a swing looking downcast. 'oh right.. he failed'

i made my way to where naruto was and just stood next to him. i didnt speak but i comfortingly rubbed his back. in the backround i could hear people talking lowly about naruto. "its him, the only one who didnt pass right?" "what a loser, isnt he the one who-" "shh! were not allowed to talk about that"

i shot them a deadly glare and noticed that naruto leaned his head on the rope holding the swing off the ground, he looked like he was about to cry. "hey.. dont listen to them. im sure youll pass next time." "theyre right, at this rate ill never become a ninja, let alone hokage..." "dont say that! your skilled, you just need to work hard and youll pass, im sure of it!" i held naruto's hand and smiled encouragingly.

naruto's face turns pink and his hand tightened around mine

Mizuki suddenly appeared next to us, interrupting our little moment. i glared at him and stood up. "may i borrow naruto for a moment?" i put on a face smile and nodded "yes, sensei."

i then let mizuki take naruto away but not before discreetly following them. i knew what was going to happen but i just had to specify the location to help.

-time skip-

i was in my apartment looking out the window for any jonin trying to get naruto when i heard a frantic knock on my door. i opened the front door.

"naruto? what are you doing here so late? and that scroll.." of course i knew what the scroll was for but i didnt wanna make it weird. naruto didnt say anything but grabbed my wrist and ran off with me, i protested but ultimately decided to trust him and after a few minutes we ended up in the forest and narutp set the scroll on the floor.

"mizuki sensei told me that if i get this scroll and learn a jutsu from it, ill immediately pass! isnt that cool? you wanna do it with me?" naruto looked at me hopefull so i couldnt just refuse. "sure, seems legit"

-time skip-

naruto and i had been here practicing for a couple of hours i think. i basically had the multi shadow clone jutsu down, now i was just helping naruto perfect his. after fifteen more minutes both of us had the jutsu perfect. we celebrated for a but until we heard a voice from the trees. "its all over hehehe" "iruka sensei your finally here! now i can show you the jutsu that ive learned and ill pass and then everything will be okay! thats how it works right?"

"so thats why? who told you this?" iruka inquired "it was mizuki sensei! he told me everything!-" naruto stopped speaking when he saw the grim expression on irukas face. I noticed the huge shuriken going right for iruka and naruto. "LOOK OUT!!" i screamed before pushing them both out of the way and making a sheild out of my chakra. i wasnt fast enough though and the shuriken got me in the chest "ack!!"

warm blood spilled out from my chest, my chakra sheild disappearing as fast as it came. "Y/N!" both naruto and iruka screamed. "i-im fine"
"naruto! give me the scroll, now!" mizuki yelled. i clutched my chest and tried to do a little medical ninjutsu but i was only able to stop the bleeding, the wound was still open. "naruto dont do it! he only wants to take the scroll for himself!" iruka interjected.

"oh-ho naruto, hes only trying to scare you because he doesnt want you to have the scroll!" "liar!" i yelled "ill show you whose really lying, didnt you think it was strangehow everyone treated you? like they hated you for just being alive? they've all been lyingto you since the decree twelve years ago"

"decree? what decree?" "dont tell him its forbidden!!" iruka screams.

"the truth is that the nine tailed fox is inside you! that same beast which destroyed the village and killed iruka's family is within you, you are a monster!" naruto's face paled and he shook his head while mizuki shot his other shuriken right for him. "no!" i grabbed the shuriken, letting it cut my hands before it fell to the floor.

"leave them alone you creep!" i picked up the shuriken and fired it back at mizuki. it grazed his cheek but mostly missed. iruka gave naruto his whole speech but naruto was too distraught for it. he picked me up and ran away with me in his arms, jumping from tree to tree. we heard iruka yelling naruto's name loudly and mizuki taunting him.

we hid behind a thick tree trunk, naruto sat me against it and talked to me "are you sure your okay?" he asked earnestly. "im fine, dont worry about me" i said just as my wound started to bleed again. "hehehe...whoopsies" i smiled, trying to keep the atmosphere as light as i could in order for him not to panic. "your bleeding!" "ill be okay, i promise, just-" i was cut off as naruto pulled out a bandage from his pocket and started to bandage my chest 'wonder where that came from.. maybe plot armour?'

i let out a deep breath when naruto finished and i have to say, he did a pretty good job of it. it finally didnt feel like my hear was gonna fall out. we heard mizuki and iruka landing"how did you know... that i wasnt iruka" *poof* "because im iruka" 'plot twist'

"truly i dont know why you insist on protecting that brat. hes gonna pour all of his rage into the scroll and destroy everything, thats how beasts are" "maybe your right... that is how beasts are"

i saw narutos eyes well up with tears once again so i put a hand on his shoulder "listen..". iruka then continued "but that isnt how naruto is, hes one of a kind, puts his whole heart into anything he does, sure he messes up sometimes and everyone jumps on him. but his suffering only makes him stronger, thats what makes him and the beast inside him different. so your wrong hes nothing like the nine tailed fox... hes naruto uzumaki, fromthe village hidden in the leaves!"

naruto's tears were streaming down his face like a waterfall, he even had some snot running from his nose, all of which i wiped with my sleeve. mizuki was laughing now "you know iruka, i was going to save you for last but now ive changed my mind.." he started charging at the sitting iruka "die!!"

mizuki was shot back from the force of me headbutting him and naruto punching him in the face afterwards. he held his head and naruto took a wide stance and i stood next to him.

"if you ever touch out sensei again.." naruto started

"we'll kill you!" both of us then declared in sync. "oh yeah? i can destroy the both of you in a single move!" "take your best shot, asshole" i countered. naruto nodded to me and i nodded back. we both yelled out "multi shadow clone jutsu!" hundreds if not thousands of clones surrounded mizuki and began beating him to a pulp until the sun started to rise.

i tried my best to heal iruka but i guess im not that great with medical ninjustu. mizuki was beaten to death and iruka called naruto over. "close your eyes naruto" he said "no peeking!" i remarked. naruto opened his eyes a minute later to see his goggles in my hand and iruka without a forehead protector. "wha-?" naruto put his hands on his forehead then his eyes widened. "really?" he said in disbelief, i nodded in response.

"i have a surprise.. were going out for ramen tonight!" "yes!" i rejoiced. naruto didnt make any moves so iruka began to think that something was wrong. "naruto..? are you alright?"
he suddenyl tackled both iruka and i in a bone crushing hug. all three of us fell against the tree behind us.

"ouch!" i yelped "sorry, Y/N!"

chapter 4 done!

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