Chapter 12 - Over My Dead Body: Blaze

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Everything I planned to get my revenge has gone up in flames.

I need to re-plan and consider my options for how to take her bastard father down from the outside.


I'm pissed at myself but there was no way I could stand back and let him hurt her. He's fucking lucky that my priority was getting her out of that room safely and quickly.

I didn't even have a chance to check her over and see if she was okay. The fact that she was holding onto me tightly on the back of my bike brought me some comfort but I was still worried about her.

She's been so quiet since we left that room, not a word has left those soft, delicate pink lips.

My hands tighten on the handles as we fly through the night, winding through the hillside roads as I take us as far away from possible from hell.

I take a breath to steady the anger and worry simmering in my veins but it doesn't ease the burn so I reach down with my left hand and squeeze her jean clad knee, needing to feel under my hands that she was really here with me.

That I had got her out.

She's cold under my hot palms and that just pisses me off more. I move my hand to cover hers and they are like blocks of ice in the autumn air.

I should have packed her some gloves but there was no time, we had to get out of there before one of his cronies got to us or decided to pull the trigger.

Over my dead body would they take her from me again.

Holding onto her small delicate hand I rub my thumb back and forth over the soft, cold skin on the back of her hand, the motion soothing me and reminding me she is really here.

We stay like this as we cross through small villages and towns, my hand only leaving hers for corners and winding roads.

The night is at full darkness now, the honey gold tones of the warm sun had completely dissipated until the only thing in the sky was a crescent moon and a million stars.

It was beautiful but we had no time to stop and admire it. So I forged on, knowing we had to get to the destination tonight, put as much distance between us and Anthony Elodie as possible.

I'd already scanned my bike for bugs using my phone. It pays to have your own tech firm with ways to infiltrate a household. The fucker would have never saw it coming.

Nobody would know that I built DivineNexus Inc. from the ground up. My name isn't attached to the company in any way, I'm like a ghost who ciphers what I need from it.

I'd always been intrigued by tech since I was a little boy and my mum had brought me my first laptop. I'd spend hours learning how to code, how to break things and put it back together again.

A few hours had past and checking my phone it was gone midnight. We were close to our destination so I kicked the speed up a notch now we were in the middle of nowhere with only trees surrounding us.

Finally, I saw the exit I needed up ahead. You wouldn't notice it driving past unless you knew what to look for.

It was surrounded by trees and foliage at the edge of the road but the ground was always covered in pine needles. It helped to cover the tracks of a motorcycle.

Easing off the throttle, I turned right and we slowly made our way down the track. Dense forest loomed around us as we followed the winding path to our sanctuary.

It was pitch black save for the headlights on the bike but I could so this drive blindfolded I'd done it so many times. The only reason I wouldn't do that is due to how often the trees lose branches and I don't fancy getting into a wreck.

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