Chapter 1 - Daddy Dearest: Davina

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"You will do as you're told!" My father shouted in my face, his spittle flying and landing like freckles. I didn't flinch or even try to wipe the spit from my face.

He wanted a reaction, for me to go toe-to-toe with him and give him the excuse to punish me. It was the same cycle we had repeated since Mum had left.

"I have given you everything you ever wanted, don't be such an ungrateful and spiteful bitch!" he spoke with such venom, you'd think I was the anti-Christ.

All this shouting just because I went for a drink at a bar with my work colleagues.

We'd had a long day dealing with a large number of cats from a hoarder house. I work for an animal shelter, specifically one that takes in cats to re-home. I've always loved cats since I was a little girl, their unique personalities and little toe beans make them the cutest animals to me.

The cats from the hoarder house were filthy, scared and some were really sick. We'd spent the whole day cleaning them up, providing medicine and care and just needed to unwind from the emotional toll it took seeing them like that.

I'd followed all the rules my father and security detail had set. I had told my security detail that I planned to go to the bar after work for an hour, that I wouldn't be drinking and where the bar was.

I had given them the information hours ahead of time so they could scope it out and come back to me if it would not be a secure location.

But it still wasn't good enough for dear old Dad.

"You can't just go off and do what you want when you want!" He moved suddenly, gripping me by the shoulders. His fingers dug into my skin so painfully, I knew I would end up with bruises.

I didn't bother to correct him or plead my case that I had followed the rules, it would make no difference. He just wanted the excuse to fight.

"What?" he huffed, "Nothing to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry Dad, it won't happen again" I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral and not give him an excuse to escalate things. It didn't work.

"You're damn right it won't! From now on you do not do anything without my permission. You don't work, you don't leave the house. You don't even get to eat or leave your room without my say-so!" He screamed at me.

I knew what would come next, but it still hurt, nonetheless.


He backhanded me across the face, his ring catching on my cheek and drawing blood. I swayed with the impact but his grip on my shoulder kept me standing.

Even though it hurt physically, that was the least painful thing about it. The fact that it was my father delivering the blow, the one who was supposed to love me, take care of me and protect me, hurt me the most.

"Look what you made me do!" He ran the hand that struck me through his hair. "I'm only trying to protect you, sweetheart. It's a dangerous world out there and you being my daughter makes you a target. I just wish you understood how serious this is."

My father was the President of the largest private security group in Europe. Blade Corp.

He had been a ruthless bodyguard in the private sector before he established his own company and grew it into what it was. Which meant, he had his fair share of enemies and rivals alike, ready to wreak havoc on our lives at any given moment.

"I know" I replied, looking into his eyes. I didn't cry anymore, it only made the gleam in his eyes sparkle more, telling me how much he enjoyed making me hurt even though he tried to hide it.

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