Chapter 3 - A Violent Caress: Davina

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I'm a mess.

I feel like I'm having an out-of-body experience. Ever since my eyes landed on the most gorgeous man I've ever seen; I haven't been able to get back into myself.


Such a sexy name to go with his strong body and brooding aura.

One minute I was preparing myself for another berating and beating from my father, the next I'm staring at Adonis himself. I couldn't stop the intrusive thoughts of climbing him and riding his cock until I screamed his name like a holy prayer.

Only to look into his eyes and see pure rage there. Well, that doused the inferno inside me and had me straight back in panic mode. Ready to flee the danger that was pulsing off him in waves.

I thought my father was a scary man, Blaze made him look like a teddy bear in comparison. Then he goes and puts Noel against the wall like a rag-doll. I'd be lying if I didn't say it was the hottest thing I'd seen. He moved with the fluid grace of a panther.

It was fucking brilliant. To see Noel put in his place in front of my father's protection detail. I would be revelling in that moment every time I see his ugly face.

The walk back to my room is done in silence, nobody says a word to each other, but I can feel the tension from both guys battering against each other, with me in the middle. Blaze's back muscles are pulled tight and tense as he surveys the area with every step he takes.

I feel drained from the events of the last twenty minutes, and my heart rate starts to pick up the closer we get to my room. I've got to be alone with him, twenty-four-seven.

I take a slow breath in and back out, trying to ease the panic. He might be hotter than hell itself and was the first person to stick up for me so viscerally inside these miserable walls but that didn't mean I felt safe around him. For all I knew, he was trying to gain my trust just to pull the rug from under me later. It had happened before.

No, don't think about Tom.

Another breath, I tried focusing on my senses but all that does is make me hyper-aware of Blaze one step in front of me. His scent filled my lungs with each slow breath.

Amber, sandalwood and a hint of coffee. Warmth.

I listened to his sure steps, surprisingly light on his feet for someone with so much muscle. The rhythm of his gate created a soft lullaby to accompany us.

Finally, we reached the hall for my room. There was nothing I could do to change the inevitable, so I took a final cleansing breath and squared my shoulders as my door fast approached.

Just as we neared the door, Blaze raised his right hand like he was ready to high-five someone and spoke his command. "Stop."

I'd been around enough bodyguards and watched enough TV to know they were used when in a dangerous situation if you don't want to be noticed.

I immediately halted my steps and waited. Blaze turned his head to look at me over his shoulder.

"I need to sweep the room first, wait here Davina, please." He spoke low and quiet. His voice was a soft caress on the skin.

It was the first time anyone working for my father had said please. Such a simple phrase that made the biggest difference to a girl like me. I'd been told what to do all my life, with the expectation that I'd just follow orders with no trouble. And like a good little girl, I always did.

"Please, this place is locked down tighter than Fort Knox. Ain't nobody getting in this house, let alone her room. All they'll find in there are boring romance books and vials of tears from all the moping she does." Noel snorted at his own attempt at a joke.

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