─ limitless; a moment of reflection

Start from the beginning

I don't even vote for my own stories, for Christ's sake.

During one act of limitless, I set a voting goal but quit doing it when it didn't feel right.

To me, those votes I see on my stories fill me with pride because I earned them without asking for them. Someone, bless their hearts,  found that my work was good enough to vote and show their love of the story.
So even from my very first book, to my very last, all of the votes you see were because someone liked my story enough to vote.

So when I get insecure, I take a step back and think of how I can make my book better to where those people want to vote. 

During my small break from July 24th to August 12th, I planned each detail of Act Two.
From August 12th to the 23rd – Act Two was completed.

That's totally unlike me.
But I just really loved this book and I was proud of it.

During September, I couldn't manage to write anything during that month or October.

Those two months were the most depressing and stressful months of my life when I couldn't even find reading enjoyable. I wanted to write, more than anything, but my situation didn't allow it.
A lot of people in my life were unhappy, and I needed to take a step back from writing and take a huge step into reality.
I can assure you that I've never cried so damn much in my life.

But even during that time, thinking and jotting down how the rest of Elena, Jungkook, and Dae's story gave me happiness.

But in the begginning of November, life got better, I was happy, my family was happy, and I finally was able to get back into doing what I loved most in this world.
Not writing for two months had me wondering whether I could write like I used to because I had grown more as a person, and as a writer during my time away.

But I tried and tried until I finally got one chapter done after two and a half days, and it flourished from that.
During November and December, I've never written so much in my life! God, it's freaking insane that I managed to write a whole ass book in five months.
But I want to thank each one of you for reading Limitless and I hope you love and cherish the story and the characters as much as I do.

But I also want to thank nine people in particular before I end this note.

littleprincess8589 every time I post a new chapter – for any of my books – I know that you'll be one of the first people to vote and tell me you need more chapters soon! I'm always so grateful for you, and you don't know how happy it makes me that you like the little ole stories I try my best to write! You've been with me since the beginning of my writing journey on this app, and words can't fully express how much I adore and respect you!

Jessiegirl91 You've been with me since I started out writing Academy fanfiction! Honestly, it kinda baffles me why you'd still want to read my books after reading Aries ( idk if you've read that, but most of my academy readers have and I pray for themm 'cause it's freaking terrible, i'm cringing so hard at the people who still reads it ) and thank you for supporting me! Your comments never fail to make me smile and I'm so grateful for you! Thank you so much!

LeeIu23 reading your comments always made me feel so much pride of joy! To know that reading Limitless made you happy makes me happy. All I've ever wanted was for people to be able to feel happiness when they read any book – and to know my book made you happy...well, it's honestly so touching and heartwarming to me.

yari823 thank you for your sweet comments when I was feeling down and out about my writing! I was going through a rough patch and you helped me tremendously to work past it! I hope the ending was everything you were hoping for, and who knows, maybe there'll be a couple of bonus chapters soon!

AWritingRaven thank you for always supporting me and putting up with my endless speaking about future events for Limitless, lol. Your wisdom and support mean the world to me and I don't think I could have finished this book without you helping me figure out some plot points.

_theequeenniaa I can always count on you to read my bts fanfictions and comment! I'm so grateful that you like them, and I look forward to reading your comments, and "reading" along with you! I adore you! <3

taymichelexox thank you so much for your kind comments! They gave me such joy and happiness, and I hope the final chapter was everything you were hoping for!

salsyyyyc thank you for always voting and reading my books! I'm so grateful for you <3

Teta-Ray thank you for being one of my best friends in this world since July of 2022! You are irreplaceable and I can't thank you enough for being there for me during one of the worst times of my life! I'm so grateful to be your friend, I love you more than words can express <3 ( also go check out her book! IT'S AMAZING! )

And finally, svnbtluvs Quite honestly, it's hard to put into words how much you've changed my life for the better. The day we became friends – you've made me grow as a person and as a writer! Never before had I ever written a full-on smut scene, but you believed I could do it, and I did ( with your help with editing, of course )! I enjoy our late-night talks as we hard-core fangirl over the BTS members, and our stories, and just talk about life in general. Without your presence, support, wisdom, and love – Limitless would only be a short story jotted down on paper, never seeing the light of day again.
Thank you for always cheering me up, cheering me on, and supporting me.
You're one of the people who have my full respect, love, and admiration.
Thank you for being you, Niyah!
You are such a light in not only my life but countless others who have the honor of being your friend and family.
You deserve the world and so much more!
I'm always here when you need me, and if you call and I don't pick up on the first ring, just send a message like this; "BITCH PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE!"
And I'll be there!  <3

There are so many more people that I would like to thank, but my fingers are getting tired, lol.

But just know I'm always grateful for you ( and even you silent readers, lmfaoo )

I do want to ask just two questions, if you'd like to answer them!

Question Number One : Which was your favorite chapter/act of limitless and why?

( it makes me so happy to hear these answers )

And the final question : Who's your favorite character and why?

Once again, I thank each and every one of you for all the love and support!

I love you all so much!


─ limitless ; jjkWhere stories live. Discover now