─ 13. ruined

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─ 13. ruined


[ song: I wish you cheated - alexsander stewart. ]

My hands.

That seemed to be the only two words my mind seemed to conjure up as I stared down at the nurse cleaning my hands. I watched, with rapt attention, as her gloved hands gently patted the area where the bone had come up through my skin.

Two open fracture wounds.

It was a sickening sight.

The local anesthesia the nurse injected into my veins took away the pain. I didn't feel the pain of my wounds. But the emotional toll was by far the worst. I stifled a sob looking at my hands.

They were unrecognizable. They were swollen, the index, middle, and ring fingers on both of my hands were clearly broken. And I think my left pinkie was too.

My hands.


Vic and Sean were inside the room with me. Mr. Blackbourne had shoved the others out during North's freak out once the nurse wiped the blood off my hands after seeing and hearing the cries of pain that left my lips.

I stared off into space, feeling agony envelope my entire soul.

What would happen now?

Will they ever be the same again?

I felt my brother's worried gazes on my face as a tear fell down onto my cheek.

"She'll need stiches, Dr. Green." The nurse said – her voice muffled due to the thoughts swarming inside my brain. The gash on my cheek continued to bleed, but I paid it no mind.

My hands were ruined.

It took everything inside of me not to throw up again.

"Three or so on her cheek...I'm not sure about her.... her hands, yet. We'll need to take x-rays to be sure of the damage."

Vic sucked in a deep breath and tightened his grip on my shoulder. I trembled and blinked slowly.

"The doctor should be in here soon, right?" Sean asked the nurse, eyes hardening as his eyes fell onto my hands.

I wished Mister Jeon was here desperately.

Could he make me smile during this time? Assure me everything would be okay?

I sniffled and blinked frantically to clear the tears.

I was left in a silent daze as the door opened and a middle-aged women stepped inside – long white lab coat slung over her figure.

─ limitless ; jjkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat