─ 02. twenty dollar bill

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─ 02

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─ 02. twenty dollar bill


When Vic pulled up to the large two and a half story modern house, with a huge wrap around porch, I flew out of the car, clutching my bag and the twenty dollar bill the man had given me – it was now another prized possession.

Vic’s eyebrows flew up high on his forehead, “You okay, Elena?” he asked, slowly getting out of the car, eyes on me.

I jerkily nodded, “I’m okay, Vic.” I smiled sweetly, “I’m just ready to eat and take a bath.” I said, jerking my head towards the house.

It was an unspoken rule in our household that every one of us ate dinner together. Due to my brothers’ busy schedules, dinner was family time.

I also wanted to run up into my bedroom, my sacred space, and write down all that had happened today, and maybe divulge the information to Max, Kota’s dog, who might as well be mine, too. Since he basically lives in my bedroom and follows me around the house.

I know I’m weird and lame – talking to an animal who can’t speak back, but they understand how you feel more than you think…and I don’t have any friends and Max can’t go around blabbing about my private business.

Vic accepted my answer, and together we walked inside the house. The instant I entered, I slid my shoes off my feet and placed them neatly by the door.

Another one of Mr. B’s unspoken rules.

If he found dirt on the floors, he’d kill us, resurrect us, and then order us to sweep it up with a toothbrush.

And no, I’m not joking.

“I’m home!” I called out, a smile beaming across my face as I found my family sitting in the dining room.

North and Luke shot me a wink as they sat down food onto the table. Mr. B sat at the head of the table with Sang nearest him.

I took my usual spot near Mr. B and across from Sang, after greeting them with a kiss on the cheek.

They were basically my mother and father figure by now.
Mr. B gave me his usual millimeter smile, approval shining within his eyes as I grabbed a pristine white napkin and placed it across my lap.

Vic chuckled and hung up his keys before he joined us, taking a seat beside Kota. “Sorry we’re late, I got caught up speaking with Corey and the others.”

Mr. B nodded to Vic, “It’s quite alright, Victor.” He turned to me and addressed me, “How was your day working at the café?” he asked, analyzing my face when I blushed, remembering the events.

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