─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her

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─ 30

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─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her


8 AM

Jungkook managed to sleep two and a half hours and nothing more. It had much to do with the excitement of his sweet baby sleeping so cutely in his bed, dressed in one of his shirts.

Oh, how beautiful she looked in his clothes!

His shirt was much too big for her, but she looked so adorable. He would give her endless amounts of his shirts to wear.

When Jungkook picked her tiny body up in his arms, and felt the silken skin of her bare legs, he was in heaven.

Just feeling her...being able to be so close to her had healed a piece of his broken heart.

But Jungkook was extra careful when he picked his love up in his arms.

Her little hands, all wrapped up in casts made his heart hurt and anger to rise within him when he wondered just what exactly happened to his little girl.

...and also he knew she was wearing nothing underneath his shirt...if the indentations of her hardened nipples through his shirt weren't proof enough.

He felt himself gulp slightly.

He wanted nothing more than to pull up his shirt and snuggle his face into those gorgeous globes, made especially for him, and fall asleep; snuggled between them. 

He was so weak for his baby love.

Jungkook huffed out a breath, hearing his parents already up and more than likely having their first cup of coffee for the morning.

He had to stop himself from leaving the guest room, no; not the one Selene used to sleep in - but another one, and check in on his sweet little Elena.

No, he would only slightly peek into his bedroom to check on her. And not go inside, and pull her into his arms so they could sleep, snuggled tightly against one another until she woke.

But before that; he would wake up his son, and get him ready for the day. He missed his little Dae desperately, as much as he missed Elena.

Jungkook sighed heavily and got up, stretching his robust, chiseled body.

He had slacked off from his excessive workout while he had been gone, but he reckoned he would go down to the basement/gym to blow off some steam.

Jungkook left the guest room and peeked into the kitchen; seeing his mother and father speaking quietly to one another whilst two mugs sat in front of them on the table.

"Morning, Eomma, Appa." Jungkook greeted, coming inside the kitchen, getting some coffee for himself.

Ae Ri smirked slightly when she looked over her son and shook her head.

─ limitless ; jjkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang