─ 19. this sucks

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─ 19. this sucks



I held onto Dae as if he was my lifeline.

In some way, he was.

He was able to spark some sort of happiness that I hadn’t felt in days – it was a refreshing feeling.

My hands still ached – terribly, in fact – but for the first time since it happened, I didn’t dwell on it.

Dae’s comforting lavender scent entered my nostrils while he snuggled his head underneath my chin. Sang, standing still – more than likely in shock, watched the scene before her eyes, open mouthed.

“Where were you?” Dae asked, his baby voice muffled slightly into my sweatshirt. Pain raced across my chest, and I winced. “I have so much to tell you ‘Lena!”

I bet.

“…I was visiting family, Dae-Dae. But I’m back now.” I cringed the way my voice cracked. I hadn’t spoken this loudly in days.

My throat felt like it would crack and bleed because of how dry it was.

Dae peeked up and stared at me with sparkling doe eyes
“I missed you,” He pouted, “…Daddy missed you too, ‘Lena.”

Sang sucked in a sharp breath; panicked green eyes flashing to my face. I don’t know how I managed to keep the tiny smile on my face – but somehow, I did.


“I missed you too,” I forced my smile to become wider.

Dae grinned, “I’m gonna be a big brother, ‘Lena! Isn’t that cool?”

My smile wavered and completely vanished.

Would this ever get any easier?

Talking or hearing about him?

Nope, the snide voice in my head hissed, lips peeling back in a shark-like grin.

“…that’s nice, Dae-Dae.”

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