─ 41. good girl

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─ 41

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─ 41. good girl




Jungkook rubbed his chest, feeling it ache as he watched his sweet little Elena run out the door.

He wasn't stupid.

He knew she was outright running away from him.

His baby was subtle about it as much as she wished.

And it hurt.

He sighed to himself and frowned, eyes intensely watching his baby run up the pavement, eager to go home. He would watch and wait until he saw, with his very own eyes, that she made it home safe.

He watched and waited patiently until her adorable little frame, dressed in his clothing, disappeared through her front door.

Jungkook slowly backed up and closed his front door, lighter knowing she was safe inside her house. Walking back to the kitchen after hearing his phone ringing, he picked it up. "Hello?" Hearing a familiar voice on the other line had Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.


"Jungkook." Victor greeted stiffly, earning a warning look from Sang as she sat beside him. Victor held the phone to his ear, and cringed once Sang mouthed; 'be nice' with a ferocious glare.

"Listen..." Victor sighed, "I need...a favor." he choked out - as if the words were hard to speak of out loud.

On the other end of the line, Jungkook raised his brows and leaned back against his counter. "Of course," he agreed, hoping to be able to get back on Victor's good side. "What do you need?"

"I need you to watch over Elena...and well, to tell the truth, we didn't leave for an emergency, Jungkook." Victor admitted after Sang elbowed him in the side.

Jungkook's brows slowly rose, near his hairline. "What?" he asked, making sure he was hearing him clearly. If they didn't leave for an emergency, then why did they tell Elena they did?

"Because we all knew Elena wouldn't even be near you if she didn't have a choice." Victor snorted, inching away from a glaring Sang. "Not that I blame her."

Victor was still angry about Jungkook breaking his baby sister's heart - whether he meant to or not. He knew Jungkook was a good person...but he liked being angry at him when Elena was in her room, crying.

Jungkook winced, feeling his chest ache. "I know." he said quietly, risking a glance out the window - catching the blackbourne house in his sight. The house where his sweet little Elena was inside.

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