─ 37. a goddess in disguise

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─ 37

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─ 37. a goddess in disguise

1 AM


I want him so bad I hate it.

When he held me close...the only thing I wanted to do was lose myself in him.

I stared silently at the ceiling, heart pounding inside my chest. I thought over everything - or at least, I tried to. It was all so overwhelming.

He wanted Dae to call me his mom. Selene had lied about Jungkook being the father.

I had asked about Dae's biological mother - just to make sure I wouldn't be replacing an important figure in Dae's life. Jungkook had told me that Dae's mother; Haerin, had given up all parental custody of Dae the moment he was born. Apparently, she was living a happy life with her personal trainer turned husband and moved back to seoul three years ago.

And the most shocking thing; was the fact that he loves me.

He loves me. He loves me. He loves me.

He...loves me.


How can a man like him...love someone like me? Someone who's weak, shy, and introverted? What does he see in me?
Did I love him? Of course I did. But would I fall back into his arms? No, I couldn't.

The issues that had been gnawing at me that moment he left the guest room was the fact of; if he loved me as much as he said he did...why did he continue to sleep with Selene? And, hypothetically, if I did fall back into his arms like nothing happened...would it happen again?

Would he grow tired of me? I have no experience whatsoever with relationships - and I've never been kissed, for crackers' sake - I have nothing to offer him.

My eyes prickled with tears as my insecurities swept through me. I sniffled, wishing I could just fall asleep. My appointment was soon, and I hoped to be fully rested before that time came.

My legs swung over the bed without warning, and I stood to my feet and scurried towards the door. I couldn't seem to stop myself from leaving the guest room and tiptoeing to stand in front of Jungkook's bedroom door.

Oh crackers.

What was I doing?

I swallowed and eyed the door with trepidation. Using my cast, I pushed down on the door handle and quietly entered the room.

The room was completely dark and silent. A shiver raced down my spine as I creeped in and shut the door behind me with I silent click.
My breath caught in my throat seeing the moonlight, filtered through the blinds, cast a flow on Jungkook's sleeping body.

─ limitless ; jjkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang