─ 07. the book

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─ 07

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─ 07. the book



8 AM

Sean and Vic observed my bloodshot eyes and exhausted expression with thinly veiled concern.

"You certainly look sick, Elena." Sean said, a frown on his lips as his palm settled on my forehead. "I already called Marc - so you can stay in bed and rest."

I closed my eyes with a groan.

It was a mistake staying up all night reading that book that Kayli had given me after I had worked all day.


"I-I'm fine. I just didn't much sleep last night-" I argued, feeling fatigue weigh upon me.

I had never really reacted well to getting no sleep during the night. Vic sat down on my pink floral duvet and smoothed his hand down the side of my head.

He smiled, "You've been working a lot this week, El. Just take the day off and rest, okay? The rest of us must leave for the day and I'd feel a lot better knowing you were at home resting."

I listened to the plead in his tone and gave in.

"Marc doesn't mind?" I asked through a yawn. I felt guilty for not being able to help him out at the café today. I hope I didn't let him down. Sean and Vic started to chuckle.

"No, hun." Sean chortled, "Just rest and eat something later, okay?"

I slowly nodded and tucked myself into my bed once more, snuggling into my fluffy pillow - feeling that book burn a hole through my pillowcase. It would never see the light of day on my bookshelf.

"We'll send someone to check in on you later to make sure you're alive."

Vic chuckled.

He pressed a kiss to my head, "Love you, El."

"Love you too." I called after him before he shut my bedroom door after allowing Max inside the room. The golden retriever yipped at the sight of me bundled into my bed and pounced on the bed.

"Hey bud," I giggled sleepily, Max trotted, gave me a lick across my face in greeting and laying down beside me. I threaded my fingers through his fur and allowed my thoughts to consume me.

I wished I hadn't read it - it made me think of dirty, filthy things I shouldn't be thinking of, but I couldn't stop, morbid curiosity had me up all night to finish reading every single word.

─ limitless ; jjkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora