─ 03. surprise meetings

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─ 03

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─ 03. surprise meetings



After a nearly sleepless night, I got up and dressed in my favorite pair of comfy, bootcut leggings, oversized pink ribbed sweater – since it was so cold in the house, tan uggs, and put on the glasses I had to wear but never really wore unless I was reading.

It was the perfect, staying home and reading attire.

Sang and the boys left early to help Dr. Roberts with something, and I preferred to stay at home and hang out in my room with Max – taking him out on a walk ever so often so he could use the restroom.

While reading and snacking on the gummies I brought to my room, I risked my mind going back to that man, who’s memory kept me up all night once I spied the twenty-dollar bill on my nightstand.

With a small grunt, I pulled myself up into a sitting position and grabbed the money and slid it inside my diary, which got tucked back underneath my pillow. Taking a glance at the clock, I bit my lip and looked at Max, who’s innocently staring at me from his place on my bed.

“Want to go for a walk, bud?” I asked, grinning once he pounced off the bed, yipping happily.

“Alright, let’s get your leash.” I giggled, setting my glasses on my bedside table and standing up.

Max and I walked down the spiral staircase, and into the mud room, where his green colored leash was hanging on the hook.

Scratching behind his ears, I tucked my sleek phone into the hidden pocket in my leggings and attached Max’s leash to his collar.

“Now, don’t go dragging me around everywhere, okay?” I warned the dog playfully, Max only wagged his tail excitedly as my hand grasped the doorknob, “Last week you dragged me through the mud and ruined my white skirt…” I sighed sadly and shut the front door behind me.

Taking in the fresh air as Max and I walked down the road of Sunny Vale Court, I passed by the house our new neighbors moved into, keeping a tight grip on the leash, as if to not let Max run off.

Usually when he finds something new, he’ll drag us around until his curiosity is satisfied.

Reaching the end of the road, I let Max do his business before we were off again, walking back up the road on the sidewalk. We would reach home soon, and I was enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of birds chirping in the distance.

Max and I were just walking past the new house when a scream jostled me from my inner thoughts and peace.

“Doggy! Doggy!” a young boy’s voice scream, tinged with excitement, “Daddy look! Doggy!”

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