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"CHINS UP, SMILES ON!" effie spoke as the four of you approached the party. "that means you, katniss" she added. you glanced towards peeta before turning forward again. "this seems so..extra?" you said, reaching the entrance with everybody else. "well, that is how we do things in the capitol!" effie replied as she and katniss headed inside.

you looked at all the people in front of you. "there's no need to be nervous. here, gimme your hand" peeta said. you placed your hand in his, and he began to lead you through the crowd. peeta looked back at you, a smile on his face. you couldn't help but smile back.

the two of you met up with katniss and effie. you caught a whiff of the air; the smell of the food made your stomach quietly rumble. "if you're hungry, i can take you to the food! come along!" effie said as she basically dragged you away from peeta and katniss.


you ate the food as you thought to yourself. 'they're probably doing lovey-dovey things..wait, why the hell would i care?' you thought as you took your last bite of food. "everything looks so good" peeta spoke as he approached you. you tensed up a bit in fear. "oh, sorry. didn't mean to scare you. katniss got pulled away, so i thought that i'd find you" he explained, smiling. "is that so? that's..nice, i could use the company since effie went off.." you replied as you set your plate down.

there was a moment of silence before peeta spoke. "would you like to dance?" he asked, offering his hand once more. you blushed a bit as you nodded, taking his hand. peeta pulled you to the dance floor. he placed one hand on your waist and held your hand with the other. you wrapped your arms around his neck as the two of you began to slow dance.

"how've you been? i know it's been a long time since the 74th ended, but i think that it has a lasting impact on people.." he said, looking at you. "i've..seemingly okay. frok time to time, i think about liam..i told him not sacrifice himself.." you spoke as you broke the eye contact by looking away. "well..if i was him, i don't think that i'd want you to cry. i mean, it wasn't for no reason, right?" peeta replied. you turned back to him. "yeah..you and liam are actually pretty similar" you pointed out, a small smile on your face.

"how so?" he asked. "you both have this 'ray of sunshine' energy and always look at the bright side, but are also pretty tough and smart" you explained. "i've never heard that before.." "i've also grown fond of both of you in such a short time.." you said, the blush reappearing.

peeta smiled. "i can say the same for you and katniss. though, i do feel more of my fondness going towards you" he said, a small blush now on his cheeks.

lil teaser for my book since i didnt have an actual plot and yall wanted more peeta

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