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cw - stalking, uncomfortable touching/actions

HE STARED. AND STARED. and stared. he watched when you placed money into the register and waved to the costumers. he watched when you swept up around the store. he watched as you talked with your co-workers. he couldn't really understand what made you so..special. he was completely infatuated with you, and for what? was it your hair? your eyes? your skin? possibly, but unlikely.

"do you need help with something?" shelia asked as she walked over to him. billy looked at her. "no. just looking at some..stuff" he replied, turning back to look at you. shelia followed his eyes, cringing. "oh my god, you're SO creepy. why are you staring at my friend?" she asked. "i'm not-" "you are, i can tell. plus, you've been here for half an hour now" "how about you mind your own fucking business?" billy spoke, looking at shelia. "as if. fucking weirdo..i'm telling them" she said, starting to walk off.

billy grabbed her shoulder, holding her back. "i wouldn't do that.." he whispered, lifting his shirt to reveal his gun. shelia huffed. "great, now you have a gun. what kind of man are you?" she stated. "i'm not, but i will shoot you if you say anything" billy threatened. "i'm heading on my break!" you exclaimed, walking outside. shelia looked at billy and to the entrance of the store. "Y/N-!" billy quickly covered shelia's mouth, bringing her down to the floor. he pulled his gun, aiming it at her. "what the fuck did i tell you?" he said as he pressed the barrel against her face. shelia struggling as melinda made her way over to see what was happening.

billy growled, quickly peaking over the shelf to see you sitting by your car. he aimed the gun at melinda now. "go in the back! now! and turn off the lights!" billy shouted, making her quickly run into the back while shutting off the lights. billy dragged a struggling shelia to the back, closing the door behind him.

after about fifteen minutes, you walked into the store. "hello?? melinda? shelia?" you called out, confused. you squinted, your eyes not fully adjusted to the darkness. you felt around for a light switch. "haha, very funny shelia, but i'm not scared of the dark!" you spoke as you knocked something over. you then heard quiet footsteps from the other side of the store. "hello? melinda, is that you??" you asked, getting no reply. you quietly gasped, pulling out your phone and turning on the flashlight. you shined the light, revealing billy.

"oh- i'm sorry sir, something's up with the lights and.." your voice trailed off as you noticed the blood on his shirt and jacket. billy began walking towards you, gun in hand. "y/n, please don't make this any harder.." he spoke, his tone soft yet desperate. you backed away, running away from him. "HEY!" he exclaimed, chasing you. billy eventually tackled you, making you drop your phone. it landed screen up, hiding the flashlight. you and billy fought in the near darkness, billy having the upper hand. with one swift hit to the head, your eyes closed as you knocked out.


your eyes slowly peeled open, wincing as the pain from your head began to settle in. you were also tied to a chair, obviously unable to move in the dark room. "i want to apologize" a voice said in the darkness, making your head dart around. a flashlight shined, revealing the room and billy. he was holding your phone. "i really lost my temper there..it was the only way i could move you without the struggle" billy spoke as he walked circles around you.

"..you killed them. melinda and shelia" you replied as the flashlight briefly landed on a pool of blood. "they only got in the way. besides, they were useless and annoying anyways. especially the blonde one" billy said, motioning his gun to shelia. "so what, you're gonna kill me too?" you questioned. billy stopped walking, standing in front of you. "why would i do that? you're perfect, and i'm not letting perfection go to waste on a dead body" he explained, setting his gun down and kneeling in front of you.

billy brought his hand up to your face, cupping your cheek. you cringed in response. he then pulled his hand away. "it'll be the two of us..just the two of us..if anything happens, i'll protect you, okay?" billy said, rubbing small circles on your thigh, making you twitch. you shook your head. "you kill my friends..you're insane..such a fucking weirdo..!" you told him, watching as billy's expression changed.

billy stood, grabbing a handful of your hair and forcing you to look at him. "i'll shoot your tongue out if you don't shut the fuck up. i don't want to hurt you, but i will if it'll put you into your place.." you winced in pain, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. billy let go, staring at your face. why you? of all people this guy could go after..

billy felt over your lips with his thumb. you bit down on his thumb. he quickly grabbed his gun, shooting a spot on the floor next to you. "DO YOU WANT TO GET SHOT?!" he exclaimed, now pointing the gun at you. "I WOULD FUCKING RATHER" you replied. billy growled, running a hand through his hair. "i'm trying really hard not to lose my temper, y/n. i love you, but you're being really fucking difficult right now!" he said angrily, waving his gun around. "you love me? well i fucking despise you! i hope you die the worst possible death!" you replied.

billy kicked the chair down, making your head hit the ground hard enough to not only knock you out again, but make your head start to actively bleed. billy sighed, placing the chair back up, seeming regretful of his actions. he searched around for a medkit, finding one. he then began to wrap bandages around your head, eventually stopping the blood. "you know how i get, don't you, y/n? i don't mean to hurt you, i just lost my temper.." he muttered, lifted your head up. billy glanced your lips, slowly leaning in and placing a peck on your lips. he pulled away, licking his lips afterwards. "let's, uh..let's get you home, okay?"

billy untied your body, picked you up and left the store. he placed you into his car and drove off to his place, aka your 'home.'

oh, so this is what happens when you write at 4am..interesting
guess i was wanting to write a yandere and billy was the only clincally insane one
i have school tmr too, wtf😭👍

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