Grimm Studies

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"Ah, Professor Port," (Y/N) said, walking into the classroom. "Grimm Studies, yes?"

"Correct, (Y/N)," the elderly professor replied. "I already have everything set up, so you'll just be observing for today."

(Y/N) nodded his head before asking, "Anything potentially dangerous that I need to keep an eye out for?"

"The grand finale of class is going to be a fight with a Boarbatusk," Port explained. "If anything goes wrong, it's our job as teachers to step in. Besides that, just sit back and watch, hopefully you'll learn something."

(Y/N) sat down in a chair in the back of the room, ensuring that he was out of sight of any students that might come in. (Y/N) observed the information on the chalkboard and began reading it as best he could, the chicken-scratch writing not making it easy. However, he was able to put together the basics, such as tying names to shapes and basic abilities. For example how Ursai traveled in packs, how King Taijitu had two heads to worry about, et cetera. Port also explained to (Y/N) how the team system works, how they're assigned, and what the expectations are.

Eventually, students started filing into the lecture hall and taking their seats, most of them sitting more towards the middle and back of the seats, though no one was around (Y/N). Said man just sat in his seat quietly and began scanning the crowd for anyone of note. The bell rang and, as it did, eight people burst down the door, hyperventilating because they were out of breath. They apologized for being late, with the one dressed in white looking particularly hostile to the red one. Port told them that, since it was the first day of classes, it was fine, but that such tardiness would not be allowed in the future. The eight thanked him before taking the remaining seats at the front of the lecture hall. After they had taken their seats, Port began class in earnest, though (Y/N) found the course description to be misleading if this would be the topic for all lectures. The man was talking more about stories from his personal life (more edited than a Kaladeshi blueprint, (Y/N) might add) than how to fight Grimm.

(Y/N) simply rolled his eyes and allowed his mind to wander, recalling his experiences as a Planeswalker before he decided to settle down on Capenna. He was hoping that, in doing so, he could tap into the land from the other planes to use the mana they produced. The swamps and bogs of Innistrad, the mountains and volcanoes of Kamigawa, and the many places in the multiverse where such things intersect. He could feel his Spark reaching outward, trying to grasp at the mana from across the Blind Eternities.

Only for his concentration to snap at the last second.

"I do sir!" the one in white yelled, annoyance plastered across her face. (Y/N) wasn't sure what was asked, but Prot seemed absolutely chuffed to see someone raise their hand.

"Well then, why don't you come down and prove it?" the man boasted, a request that the one in white was more than happy to oblige. She grabbed her rapier and descended the steps to the center of the lecture hall. Port pressed a button near the chalkboard, which caused his desk to slide backward as a cage about as tall as one's chest rose in its place. The cage's metal bars shook with the movement of the creature held within, the inky blackness of its resident seeping out like thick fog. The beast's red eyes shined through a hole in the front of the cage, promising bloodshed and pain upon whomever it stared at.

(Y/N) would've found it cute if he had any mana left.

'Note to self,' the half-devil thought, 'when they say it won't be a dangerous day, they're lying.'

The girl in white leveled her rapier at the cage as Port pulled out his own weapon, a massive double-edged axe with a blunderbuss at the end, and smashed the lock on the cage. The dark mist parted and out came a monster native to Remnant, something that (Y/N) had never seen before.

A Devil Went Down to RemnantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora