Welcome to Beacon

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(Y/N) had been granted a room in the staff dormitories, and he had to admit, they were quite cushy compared to what he had on... well anywhere, really. It had a nice TV, headphones that connected to it to avoid any disturbance to others, and a decently sized bedroom with a walk-in closet, something which (Y/N) was already looking forward to taking advantage of. Not in the fashion way, but in a way that would probably be considered far more sinister. However, it'd be a little bit before he could, so he instead focused on doing what he could. (Y/N) felt the mana swirling beneath the school, but it was White. Thankfully, the Chromatic Lantern on his hip let him pull that mana anyway and filter it, so he did so, weaving it into the shape of a ring. The mana settled into a plain looking ring, but just holding it in one's hand left them able to feel the power contained within. (Y/N) slipped it onto his right ring finger, feeling the mana flow through his being, mana which he would not waste.

He once more pulled the mana he needed from any source he could, in this case his Sol Ring, and channeled it into yet another ring, though this one less powerful. Where the last looked very plain, this one had a sigil on the top of it. Any mana he could weave from his own being was capable of being pulled from this ring, slipping it on the little finger of the same hand. Finally, wanting to waste absolutely none of the mana at his disposal for the day, he pulled the mana from the Arcane Signet and shaped it into a disc. The disc continued to glow brightly, not solidifying as the previous artifacts had, but instead continuing to glow brightly. It was going to be a few days before it was fully ready, so (Y/N) placed it on the nightstand, where it would continue to hover for a while until its completion. Next to it was a note from Ozpin which read that the next day would be a meeting with the other staffers to inform them of who he was, while they told him what their classes were.

(Y/N) was out of mana to use for the day, so he opted to turn in for the night, the darkness already being evident by the moonlight coming through his window. So, the half-devil laid down on his provided bed, finding it really quite comfortable. It was the fastest he had ever fallen asleep in his life.


(Y/N) was awoken by an alarm he had set on the provided alarm clock. Bright and early, 5:30 AM. So early, in fact, that the sun hadn't even risen yet. The reason for getting up so early? Do what needs done without any prying eyes. He was certain there were cameras in there somewhere, but it would be a couple of days before he could rat them out. So, he decided to ensure that these deeds would be performed at a time he could be certain no one was watching him. In much the same manner he had created his ring and signet, (Y/N) created four more artifacts. One was another ring, bearing the iconography of Rakdos and his deadly circus from Ravnica, another was a talisman covered in red and black gems. Next was a spiked twenty-sided shape. Finally was a similarly shaped object, but it was devoid of mana on its creation and glowed a vibrant blue, like the ice of a glacier. The entire time he was thinking of the black mana which, according to others, 'polluted' his soul, making it so that the Coldsteel Heart he had brought into creation would produce it. Deciding to kill some time, (Y/N) put the provided headphones on his head and began to scroll through the TV channels. He eventually found a documentary about this world's 'Great War,' so he decided to see what the major conflicts on this plane were. Almost as soon as he learned what the conflict centered on, (Y/N) found himself disgusted. A tyrant wished to suppress creativity in all forms, believing such measures necessary for the name of safety. It made every fiber of (Y/N)'s being flare with anger, it was the very reason he hated white mana so much. Thankfully it seemed that they had managed to defeat the tyrant, and now it was customary for most people to have a color somewhere in their name.

(Y/N)'s second alarm went off, informing him it was time for that meetup with the rest of the staff. So, (Y/N) put on the same clothes he arrived on the plane in yesterday, despite the fact that they were still incredibly dirty, but they were the only clothes he had with him. His trial didn't exactly allow him to bring a change of clothes.

After the meet and greet, (Y/N) decided to leave for the library to try and find out everything he could about this world. Namely, what exactly those monsters in the woods were, what a Semblance was, and how one could unlock their aura.

Speaking of the latter, just as he had found out that the unlocking of such a thing required the assistance of another, one of the girls that he had helped during the initiation walked in. Specifically it was the girl who wore the bow and cut his Banehound in half.

"I never did get your name," (Y./N) said to her as a way of breaking the ice. That earned an eyeroll from her.

"Look, sorry about sicking the Banehound on the other girl, but in my defense, she did have a blade at my throat." She continued to ignore (Y/N), much to his chagrin.

"I just need a favor," (Y/N) said, and he could've sworn he saw her bow twitch when he did say that. "I understand that there's something called Aura that I need to stand a chance in combat. I want you to help me."

"And what do I get in return?" Blake asked.

"What about a favor later?" (Y/N) said. "Once the aura unlocks, I'll give you a favor of your choosing. A favor from a member of Beacon staff. Deal?"

Blake weighed her options. Either unlock the aura of this man that she had never met before, but was clearly now a member of Beacon staff based on the fact he hadn't been kicked out yet, and have a favor owed to her from said member of staff. What to do? Blake had her answer, though coming to it was tough. She stuck her hand out.


A Devil Went Down to RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now