Brought to Beacon, An Opportunity

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(Y/N) sat in one of the seats in the Bullhead, bound for places unknown to him. He had a pair of handcuffs on his wrists and an older blonde woman scowling at him, holding a riding crop in her right hand.

"Y'know, I really would prefer you take me to dinner before using that thing," the half-devil joked, "or these." He raised his cuffed wrists slightly, emphasizing their presence. That earned him an even harsher scowl from the woman. (Y/N) just rolled his eyes at the lack of response and allowed the remainder of the trip to pass in silence, though his leg began to shake, much to the woman's annoyance.

The Bullhead landed at the top of the cliff, the castle that made up the academy striking an imposing figure. If it weren't for the fact that it was only around 3-4 stories tall outside of the central spire, it would have reminded (Y/N) of Castle Ardenvale of Eldraine. The woman ordered him to stand, and he was in little position to refuse, so he complied. She gave him a light shove in an attempt to get him to move faster, something he did not appreciate.

"I'm moving, I'm moving," the half-devil groaned, before whispering to himself. "Like dealing with the Azorious all over again."

"The who?" the woman asked, unsure if she heard (Y/N) properly.

"Don't worry about it, you wouldn't have heard of them." The two continued to walk towards the central spire of the academy, the top of which was, presumably, the headmaster's office. The ride on the elevator was just as awkward as the other two trips. Thankfully the trip was short and sweet, as only the button for the top button was pressed. (Y/N) walked to a chair in front of the headmaster's desk, behind which the man himself was sitting. He had grey hair and a green suit on, along with a small pair of sunglasses which in no way provided shelter from the sun. He held a wooden cane in one hand.

The woman sat (Y/N) in the chair in front of the headmaster's desk, from where it became obvious that the man was giving him some form of once-over, as if observing him like some kind of experiment. It made (Y/N) really uncomfortable, but once again, had no real way to object or stop it, so he was forced to just allow the analysis to happen. Except, he does have one out he employed to little effect last time.

"So, how does this work?" he asked. "You talk first, I talk first?"

"Who exactly are you?" the headmaster asked, cutting (Y/N) off. "Vale has no records of your existence. You, who appears to be at least 25, showed up in the middle of a forest around a bunch of 18 year olds. Do you understand how this looks?"

"Well when you word it like that, I can definitely see how that'd be bad," (Y/N) admitted, trying and failing to scratch the back of his head. "Problem is, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Just, trust me when I say, I had no idea that I would end up here."

"Where are you from then? Menagerie?"

"You could say that." (Y/N) didn't like telling a complete fabrication like that, but it would be a needed deception. "I was technically there, but I was far away from any cities."

"Right," the headmaster nodded. "You said you wound up in that forest by mistake and had no idea you'd end up there. How exactly did you travel? Was it a Semblance?"

"Something like that. I was dealing with some monsters like those ones when some of that dust that comes off of them flew at me," (Y/N) lied. "Felt like I was in a twister. Next thing I know, I'm in that forest."

"Taking on Grimm without a weapon? Hardly seems intelligent."

"Had one, didn't make the trip with me." (Y/N), who to this point was doing his best to gesture with cuffed hands, finally had enough. "Ugh, can you please take these damn things off? From what I understand of this place, it'd be stupid of me to try anything, so I won't."

The woman looked to the headmaster, who gave her a nod. She sighed slightly before producing a key from her pocket and placed it into the keyhole of (Y/N)'s handcuffs. Of course, being the fact that every action has an equal reaction, (Y/N) had some commentary.

"Thank you, finally." He rubbed his wrists, trying to massage the soreness from them and turning to the woman.. "I would have requested a padded pair, but you seem the type to actually keep one in your office, so..."

"I only have a couple more questions, sir," the headmaster said. "First, what is your name?"

"My name's (Y/N), sir. Yours?"

"Ozpin," he replied. "Now that that pleasantry is out of the way, how would you like to work for me?" That left (Y/N) quite confused indeed.

"I'm sorry, my hearing must be on the way out." (Y/N) sarcastically cleaned out his ears, asking, "Because I just heard you say you want me to work for you?"

"I did," Ozpin confirmed. "You handled yourself well against the Grimm, despite the fact that you were without a real weapon. As such, I want you to act as a teaching assistant for now, with the potential for teaching your own class later. You'd be provided pay, along with room and board. Is that alright?" Ozpin put his hand out in front of him, waiting to see if (Y/N) would shake it.

The half-devil pondered his options. He could either accept this deal, get a free roof over his head and central base, alongside a stable source of pay in this plane's currency, or he could take a massive risk, try and set out on his own, with no knowledge of how this world works, be completely broke, and hope that some other opportunity drops in his lap.

Yeah, no. The choice was pretty obvious.

"Alrighty then." (Y/N) grinned, reaching out to shake Ozpin's hand. "So, when do I start?"

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