Bending down, he kissed her crown, his lips lingering as if sealing a promise. He contemplated waking her up, to execute the palns which can improve their relationship. However, before he could do so, Pihu, awakened by a presence, opened her eyes. The peace in her sleep transformed into fear as she sat up, distancing herself a little from Rudra.

Rudra, witnessing her immediate shift from peaceful sleep to guarded wakefulness, maintained a calm demeanor. He noticed the fear in her eyes but chose not to comment on it directly. Instead, he greeted her with a soft smile, attempting to bridge the gap that had grown between them.

"Pearl, Good Morning. Did you sleep well?" he inquired, his tone gentle, as if trying to convey that their interaction could be normal and devoid of tension.

Pihu, however, remained silent, nodding her head slightly, her eyes cautiously studying Rudra's every move. The room, once again, became a silent witness to the underlying currents of their complex relationship. Undeterred by her guardedness, Rudra continued to smile, hoping to break through the barriers that separated them. He added, "It's good you woke up, Pearl. Get ready; we are going out. I'll be in a different room to get ready. Just get ready quickly. I have a surprise for you."

With that, he left the room without waiting for Pihu's reply. Annoyance replaced the fear on Pihu's face as she contemplate his order. "What does he think of himself? He's like a Ravan."

As Pihu got ready, Rudra returned to the room, his reaction a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation. His eyes softened as he saw her preparing, a flicker of hope lingering in his gaze. "You look beautiful, Pearl," he remarked as always, a genuine compliment escaping his lips.

However, Pihu was seething with anger beneath her composed exterior. She got ready not because she wanted to go out with him, but because she felt suffocated within the mansion after being confined for over a month. The desire to escape this cage even for a short time fueled her actions.

She remained silent, her focus solely on getting ready, ignoring Rudra's compliment. He observed her indifference but remained determined to break her silence. Standing behind her, he took a hairbrush from her hand, intending to get a reaction from her.

Pihu tried to reclaim the brush, but Rudra held it above her reach. Frustration flashed in her eyes as she demanded, "Rudra, give it back. What are you doing? Can't you see I am getting ready?" Rudra, with a mischievous smile, taunted her, "Why, Pearl, can't you take it? Oh, I forget you are like Lilliput."

Pihu's anger showed on her face as she said, "How dare you call me that. It's not me who is Lilliput but you are like Godzilla." Rudra teased her further, "Oh, yeah, you are not Lilliput. But your height is 5.3 inches." Her face turned red due to anger, and he pinched her at a sensitive point, but she didn't say anything further, just glaring at him and thinking of a hundred ways to kill him in her mind. She thought, "This monster won't let me have any peace. It's like he is born to destroy my peace of mind."

Rudra, seeing her reaction, smiled wider, knowing the way she glared at him she was mentally cursing him. He said, "Okay, I will not tease you about your height. But if you want your hairbrush, just take it from here." He waved it above in his hand. "Or if you fail to do so, then be ready to fulfill my wish."

Pihu's brows furrowed, and she retorted, "Why would I even play this type of game with you? And why should I fulfill your wish? I won't play this game."

Rudra continued, "If you win, you can also make a wish." Pihu, intrigued, asked, "Any wish?" Rudra nodded and assured her, "Any wish." He was well aware of what she was thinking—her deepest desire to be free from him. However, he also believed he could change that wish soon. Despite the odds, he knew Pihu's innocence and bravery would compel her to try.

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