What it Means to Feel Alive

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Lizzie's POV

"Having fun?" I smiled, laying on the grass beside my daughter. She turned her head to look at me, her lips still plastered with a content grin, before looking back up to the sky, stretching her arms out on the grass.

"I've never felt like this before," she admitted, and I sat up a little to lean my cheek against my hand. "My whole life, the only proof of my existence has been my heart that's beating, and the fact that I'm breathing, but now... It wasn't until now that I've ever felt.. alive."

I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes, her words melting my heart. She was so pure and innocent, and it was truly an honor to be lucky enough to watch her grow.

"You've come a long way, Margo."

She turned her head to look at me, her eyes soft and bright.

She looks relaxed.

"You really think so?"

"Oh hunny.." I opened up my arms to which she immediately scooted herself over to lay on my chest, allowing my fingers to scratch the top of her head, gently playing with her hair.

"You already grown so much over the last week, and I am so so proud of you, darling. With the hurdles you've already overcome at such a young age, I just know you're going to thrive."

She wrapped her arms around my torso, pulling herself in closer and I gave her a squeeze.

"I want you to know how thankful I am to have met you too, Margo. I love you so much, you're my world. And.. This may be too soon, and you don't have to decide now, but I would be very proud to call you my daughter, if that's what you wanted.."

I felt my shoulders tense in hesitancy, but I tried my best to hide it. It wasn't that I was unsure of my decision at all, I just knew Margo's history with the idea of parents, and I didn't want her to feel pressured to change her perspective at the moment. It was a big ask.

But I felt my chest relax as Margo pulled away slightly, allowing her soft, innocent eyes to meet mine.

She was far too pure for all that's happened in her life. I'm going to protect this girl until the day I die.

"You... You want me to call you mom?" She questioned with a small tilt of her head, and my heart fluttered at the way it resembled a cute puppy dog.

But my nerves will still sky high at her question. I didn't want her to feel pressured to make such a change, but I didn't want to discourage it, of course I would love it if she did. I needed to choose my words wisely.

"You don't have to, sweetie. It's whatever you're comfortable with."

Margo's POV

Whatever I'm comfortable with?

Such a consideration for my own feelings has been a foreign concept for my entire life up until now. Never have I had someone care for me the way she does.

Even with the power she holds in her hands, the rights to decide the course of my future, she wants me to choose.

She's made it clear that she's chosen me, despite my mind that tries to tell me otherwise. So it only made sense for me to go against my own nature at this point. To put my trust into a woman I had just met less than a week ago. For me to choose her.

"But what if... what if I want to?"

My words seemed to have taken her by surprise because she was beginning to blush, and my stomach turned, what if she changed her mind?

"Then, of course sweetie! I just don't want you to feel pressured to. Nothing's changing, it's still just me and you, I don't want you to worry-"

I could no longer contain myself at her response. My body launched into hers, knocking her backwards onto the grass again, and she let out a small groan followed by a laugh. It wasn't long before her protective arms wrapped around me, pulling me into her safe presence, and I melted at the warmth.

"I love you, mom," I whispered quietly, not thinking it was loud enough for her to hear me, but when I felt her body jump slightly underneath me, I knew otherwise. She pulled away slightly, giving enough room for her hands to cup my cheeks. She pressed our foreheads together, and I giggled at her warm smile so close to mine.

"Did you just call me what I think you called me?"

"Maybe.." I giggled before going into a full fit of laughter as she began to tickle me. "AHH! Stop it!!"

She kept me pinned underneath her a few seconds longer, poking under my arms and at my sides to force uncontrollable laughter from my gut before finally freeing me.

I laid there on my back in the grass, looking up to the woman who was now referred to as my mom who sat smiling down on me, and I never felt more safe in my life. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could breathe. Like I could relax without fear of the consequences for letting my guard down. My guard was down with her, and she never took advantage of it, she protected it.

"You're the light of my life, you know that?" She whispered all of a sudden, and my brows lifted, before my head shook in confusion. "I mean that you make me the luckiest woman in the world, sweetheart. Bringing you home with me was the best decision I've ever made, and I couldn't be happier to be a part of your life."

Her eyes slowly welled with tears as she spoke, causing my own to do the same, and I took the opportunity to jump into her embrace once again, allowing her to pull me into her lap.

"I love you! I love you! I love you!" She cheered, showering my face with kisses as she rocked us back and forth, and I took it all in gratefully.

Oh what I would have done to have experienced this sooner.

As the afternoon rolled in, the heat picked up fairly quick as the sun peaked out through the clouds. It wasn't long before I was pulling off my hoodie, but I nearly got stuck in the process, I had forgotten how stiff my side was. Despite my arm that struggled to lift high enough, I managed to take off the sweater on my own, but not without receiving a concerned look from Liz- my mom.

"Oh, hunny, I nearly forgot above your injuries. I'm sorry, I should have been more gentle with you. How's your pain?"

I was quick to shake my head. "Oh, no. It's fine, I'm used to it really..." I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, instantly regretting my choice of words by her eyes that softened in pity.

"You don't have to look at me like that.." my voice became soft in an almost whisper, and she tilted her head.

"Like what, baby?"

"Like I can't handle the pain. I'm used to pain."

"Margo, sweetheart," she sighed, placing her hands on my knees to gain my attention. "You don't have to 'get used' to the pain. I don't want you to be used to it. If you're hurting, you just have to tell me. All I want to do is help."

I dropped my gaze to her thumbs that swiped gently overtop my legs and gave a silent nod, deciding it best not to push this conversation any further.

But all of this was still just so hard to believe.

What's the catch?

Sorry for a shorter chapter, I've been slammed this week 😩

But don't worry, there's much more to come! Thank you for your patience 🙏

Love you guys,

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