Too Much

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Lizzie's POV

As soon as I mention the idea of shopping, I instantly notice Margo tense up, sending me red flags over the topic.

There was still a lot that I didn't know about the girl's past, which made it hard to navigate around the tasks that were considered normal to most. I was aware of a lot of her triggers, but I knew there was still a lot of ones that I didn't know, and that scared me.

I slipped my hand up to her cheek, and my heart sinks slightly as it makes her flinch, but she soon zones back into the present, locking with my eyes.

"Whatcha thinking, hunny?"

She shrugged her shoulders, uncomfortably dropping her gaze and fidgeting with her hands. "I don't need anything," she mumbled.

She doesn't need anything? The poor girl was left with nothing.

"Oh, hunny.. Don't you want some clothes to wear? Of course I don't mind if you only borrow mine, but don't you want some of your own too?"

"I don't want anything," she spoke flatly, her eyes permanently glued to her hands.

I could feel her closing herself off again, and I didn't like the direction it was taking. I was finally getting her to open up to me, it didn't want to ruin the progress we already made, so I gently grabbed ahold of her hands, gaining her attention again.

"How about some dinner, yeah? We can worry about that later, I'm sure you're hungry."

She shrugged again, and I let out a heavy sigh at the sudden disconnect.

Margo's POV

I've disappointed her already.

Yes, it all could just be in my head, but I could feel the shift in the atmosphere, even after she moved us to the kitchen where she was attempting to make light-hearted talk with me. But I was far too deep in my head.

It was only a matter of time until she was going to get tired of me; tired of all my mood swings and constant triggers over stupid things. She'd soon realize I was too much to handle and send me off to the new owner who'd put me back in my place.

"Margo, hunny, what's wrong?" I felt a soft hand rest on my shoulder, and I jumped in place, blinking my eyes that now began to roll tears down my cheeks.

What's wrong with me?

"N-nothing, I'm fi-"

"Sweetheart, you're shaking.. What's bothering you, hunny? Is this about me buying you things?" She kneeled herself in front of my chair, resting her hands on my knees as she stared at me with soft eyes. I shook my head frantically, my jaw hung open slightly at the failure to form words while the tears continued to stream from my eyes.

What's bothering me?

Everything is bothering me. Everything was changing so quickly. The beatings, the darkness, the pain, and now suddenly this? Am I just supposed to believe that everything is going to be different now, all of a sudden? How do they expect me to accept this comfort I've been craving for so long when I know damn well that it never lasts?

I want to run into her arms, but I also want to run away from them.

I want to sleep for hours on end until I'm caught up with the years of sleep I've missed, but I know I'll never rest.

"I c-can't do this... It's all too much, Lizzie! I cant!" My voice cracked against my uncontrolled sobs, and Lizzie looked at me with a face that was plastered with worry, worry that I caused.

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