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Margo's POV


I didn't waste another second before sprinting as fast as I possibly could out the door, which in all honesty, wasn't nearly as fast as I had hoped.


I heard quick footsteps on my tail, but I didn't stop, gritting my teeth at the pain shooting up my hips and my side as my feet dug into the ground. As I neared the edge of her property line, I planned my route of escape, spotting a small path in between the trees that would most likely lead to the road.

"Margo, wait!! There's a ditch!"

Just as she called out from behind me, I noticed the dip in the ground in front of me, and I made an effort to stop myself, but the momentum through me forward, and I started to fall. Her hand quickly gripped my hoodie, pulling me backwards and sliding us both to the ground, with me partially falling on top of her.

I let out a loud groan, rolling off to lay on the ground beside her, and Lizzie quickly shot up from the position.

"Margo, hunny, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Her soft hands found my shoulders, and she leaned over me, the worry visible in her expression.

Why isn't she yelling at me?

"I'm sorry- I'm fine.."

"But you're not fine, sweetheart. I can tell you're in pain. Here, let's sit you up.." She slid her hand down to my back, allowing me to wrap my arms around my stomach as she pushed me to a seated position.

"Where's your pain, bubba?" She whispered, her voice gentle to my ears, easing away the lingering shaking. But it wasn't until I was sat up that I noticed the pair shoes on the ground beside us.

My shoes..

"Umm," I gestured to my shoes, and she glanced over before meeting my eyes again with a warm smile.

"I told you.. If you're going to run, at least let me runaway with you.."

There it was again. That strange look in her eyes, that spark that flashed behind them when she addressed me. I'd never seen it before, not until I met her. What did I do to deserve this sort of reaction?

"Why?" Was all I could get out.

Why bring me home?

Why show me such kindness?

Why would you chase after me when you could just let me runaway?

"Because... I love you." My eyes shot up to hers at those three words, those three words that had never been uttered to me by anyone before. I shook my head in disbelief, I must have heard her wrong because there was no way it could be true. I mean, she just met me, and even if she had known me longer, there was still nothing of me to be loved.


"Margo, I love you.."

There it is again.

There was no hesitation in her tone, no doubt in her eyes. I stared at her for what felt like ages, waiting for a hint, a sign that she could be lying but there wasn't, and maybe it was the shock or the fact that my eyes were widened in a stare for too long, but tears began to slip down my cheeks.

"Y-You... You love me?" My voice cracked at the question, and her eyes softened even further as she lifted her hands to my cheeks, using her thumbs to swipe away the tears.

"Oh, hunny. Of course I do. I love you so much, and I knew that I did since the very first moment I saw you-"

I barely let her finish before I sailed into her arms, my desperation for physical touch outweighed the screaming pain of my ribs. Her arms wrapped around me within seconds, pressing my head safely into the middle of her chest.

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