Breaking the Ice

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Margo's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open to a bright room, the sun peaking through the window blinds and illuminating the yellow bedroom lights even brighter. My cheek rested against a warm presence, and quickly blinked the exhaustion from my eyes before nearly jumping out of my skin at the realization that I had been laying on Lizzie's side.

I cursed myself as she immediately shifted in place, opening her eyes with a look of confusion across her face before softening at the sight of me.

"What's wro-"

"I'm so s-sorry! I didn't know I was.. I didn't mean to.."

"Hey, hey, slow down hunny. It's okay.." I scooted myself back in a slight panic and nearly fell out of the bed before she quickly jumped forward, catching my wrist before I fell. "Easy there."

She pulled me back up, and I was unable to wipe the shock off of my face from the series of events, but I felt the atmosphere shift at the sound of her giggle. "I'm sorry, hunny. I don't mean to laugh, I just didn't mean to scare you.."

"It's okay," I breathed out in a small, sheepish laugh, and she rubbed her thumb across my wrist, reminding me of its presence latched onto me. She noticed me glancing and gently pulled her hand away, allowing mine to wrap around myself once again.

"And you don't have to apologize for falling asleep on me, it's perfectly okay, and quite comfortable, honestly.."

I felt my grip on myself loosen at her words, feeling a weird sense of relief to hear her admit to the comfort, because it provided me with the same. I had never fallen asleep so close to another person. There were many instances in my past where people I- did not like fell asleep next to me, but I was never able to sleep in those moments. I've hardly ever been able to sleep at all. Not until her.

"Are you hungry?" Her voice broke me from my thoughts, and I looked up to her, my mind telling me yes but my mouth was already moving with my, very well rehearsed:

"No, I'm alright."

She dipped her chin downward, catching my lie, which definitely wasn't helped by my stomach that decided to growl at this exact moment.

Stupid stomach..

"I think your body says otherwise," she smirked, and I bit my lip in guilt. "Come, I'll make you something."

She stood from the bed, gesturing out the door as she walked to the kitchen and I paused in place, squeezing my eyes shut.

I wasn't sure what it was about having nice things done for me that made me feel like I had done something wrong. I never asked for this help, or complained about my situation, yet I felt like I was being greedy for accepting her offers. Like I was waiting for the moment when Brian or any of my other owners would jump out of the closet and catch me in the act, yelling:

"You high maintenance bitch!"

My intuition was failing me at the moment. It was taking much too long for me to figure out what made her tick.
What made her angry?
What made her satisfied?
What would it take for her to lash out at me like everyone else has?

"Come on, Margo! I don't bite, sweetie!" I heard her call from the kitchen, and I quickly scrambled out of the bed, before pausing again as I remembered my missing top. I was still in my sports bra and pants.. Her clothes.. But still, I hated my body exposed in anyway.

I wrapped my arms around myself, limping silently into the kitchen, and I wasn't going to verbalize my discomfort with my attire, already knowing better than to add a burden on her, but it was like she could read my thoughts the second her eyes fell on me.

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